Clay Cantrell (2 Oct 2023)
"Re Comet Nishimura, Enoch/Uranus"

Interested readers -

Only God can send comets traveling around the solar system and He does so with great precision as He does all things. The recently discovered Comet Nishimura is no exception. It’s close-to-earth appearance in our solar system may be yet another Enoch/Uranus prophetic fulfillment.

Comet Nishimura has an estimated orbital period around the Sun of 435 years. If you don’t know your Genesis (5) numbers then you won’t recognize this Jared (the father of Enoch) number.

Jared lived 435 years after Enoch was taken in Genesis (5) year 987. He died in 1422. So, 435 is a type of backwards pointer to Enoch’s “catching away”.

Here is an article that discusses Comet Nishimura and the 435 years:

Here is an earlier article of mine discussing Operation Uranus from WW2, a probable historical Enoch/Uranus fulfillment:

Jesus is Lord.