Chance (8 Oct 2023)
"Could This Be the Start of the Gog War?"

Hello John and Doves,
We probably all know by now that Israel was attacked by air, land and sea on Saturday morning by Hamas.  This is being called a "colossal failure' - catching Israel unprepared. Dozens of Israelis have been killed and over a thousand injured.  So far....
This took place 50 years after the 1973 Yom Kippur War (October 6 to 25, 1973).  And on the Shabbat and at the end of Feast of Tabernacles on Simchat Torah (the Joy of the Torah) - and the beginning of Shemini Atzeret - High Holy times.  Wow.  This is surely prophetic.  
Here's the hebcal 1973 calendar:  October 6 is Yom Kippur.  Sukkot starts October 11 and ends October 17 (Hoshana Raba).    October 18 was Shemini Atzeret.
Jewish Calendar 1973 Diaspora - Hebcal
But is this war prophesied?
Could this be the Gog War?  
I would like to look at the similarities to this attack and the Ezekiel 38/39 attack with what we have so far...:
Both wars are a total surprise - massive intelligence failure for both.  In the Gog war, the Jewish people are unprepared, unaware of the army north of them as they dwell securely in their unwalled villages. The army attacks the unprepared people.
In today's war neither the Israeli Intelligence nor the U.S. Intelligence knew anything about this as Hamas was able to get across the Israeli borders undetected.  And attack and capture Israeli villages.
In both wars, Israel was "dwelling securely".  Gog came against the people "dwelling securely".  As for today's war - Netanyahu was just talking about peace and security about to happen finally in the region with the upcoming normalization of relations with Saudi Arabia.  Netanyahu said, "Peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia will truly create a new Middle East...Now as the circle of peace expands, I believe that a real path towards a genuine peace with our Palestinian neighbors can finally be achieved...For years, my approach to peace was rejected by the so-called experts.  Well, they were wrong...The Abraham accords heralded the dawn of a new age of peace." 
Saudi Arabia has NEVER recognized Israel as a state.  They believe the Jews are occupiers and the land belongs to the Palestinians and Jerusalem is their capitol.  And from the get go of this 'normalizaiton' plan the Saudis wanted two states and Jerusalem divided - and East Jerusalem for the Palestinian capitol.  I wondered why isn't Netanyahu listening to Saudi Arabia - they've been adamant about this from the get go and he has refused to believe it.
Netanyahu touts prospects for an agreement with Saudi Arabia - and possibly the Palestinians - in UN speech - Heritage Florida Jewish News
It seems that Netanyahu 'somehow' didn't understand Saudi Arabia's stance on the "normalization" requirements - he downplayed and "has insisted that the Palestinian issue is not as important to Saudi Arabia as many might believe and that it has not been a significant component of the normalization talks that Riyadh has held with Washington."   The Saudis have said that the price of peace for Israel will be the creation of a Palestine state taken from Jewish land.  In fact, the UN SDG Summit just recently included 'peace in the Middle East' - Saudi Arabia, the Arab League, the EU, Egypt and Jordan - all pushing the two-state solution (which is ultimately to lead to the annihilation of Israel)
As U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said..Saudi Arabia has conveyed to the United States that advancing a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a critical component of a potential normalization deal that Washington is brokering between Riyadh and Jerusalem."  Saudi Arabia has NEVER acknowledged the state of Israel.  And the PLA charter calls for the destruction of Israel.  One has to ask, what was Netanyahu thinking?
Even as as last as October 3 -  Abbas said "The Palestinian people will achieve victory and achieve the independence of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capitol."  He wants "global statehood recognition and acceptance to the United Nations as a member state."  The PA wants "Area C" - biblical Judea and Samaria - turned over to be "an integral part of the State of Palestine."  Abbas said, "the Israeli racist right-wing government continues its attacks on our people and its army and its racist terrorist settlers continue to intimate and kill our people, steal our money and resources."

 And Netanyahu, to add insult to injury, gave the PA armored vehicles  to help with the "terror activity on the West Bank."  And Biden/US have transferred armored vehicles and weapons to the PA for the purpose of clamping down on West Bank terror.  (What were they thinking??  These will be/are being used against Jews.))
US said to transfer armored vehicles, weapons to PA to clamp down on West Bank terror | The Times of Israel
In both wars, Israel has "unwalled villages".  In the Gog War, the Jews live in unwalled villages; they are at rest and dwell safely - without walls, bars and gates.  In today's war, subdivisions near Gaza were taken and the Israeli civilians killed or taken as hostages.  Houses were entered and the homeowners were killed.  The streets and houses have the dead lying in them.
Both armies came to plunder.  In the Gog War, Gog's armies came "to take a spoil, and to take a prey, take a great spoil.  In this war, Abbas accused the Jews of stealing money and resources from Palestinians. The Palestinians took back their stolen land/houses. They have taken villages from the Jews.  And have captured IDF soldiers and civilians.  And Hamas has entered prisons and set terrorists free.  Murdering, raping, kidnapping.  This could be just the beginning ....
How Could the Gog War Be a Surprise?
I always wondered how Israel could suffer a massive surprise attack from her enemies in the north - with high tech satellites and other forms of observation and detection, along with the U.S. intelligence and Israel's Mossad - or simply looking across the border.  How could a massive army surprise Israel?  That never made sense to me.  You don't move that many troops by land without someone seeing something.
That was until I saw this map of Russian and Iranian forces in Syria just north of the Israeli border.
Map of foreign forces’ military points in Syria - mid 2023
Russia and Iran sit almost on top of Israel.  When they make a move - they are already in Israel.  No one outside Israel would have time to help or stop this.  And Israel would be surprised and overrun quickly.
It's being rumored now that Hezbollah (Lebanon - Iran's proxy) is in talks with Egypt - if the IDF ground troops enter Gaza, Hezbollah will enter the war.  And I'm hearing on Fox News that Israel is considering sending ground troops into Gaza.  It's been announced that the Israeli National Security Council granted authorization for a ground invasion of Gaza.
Iran said they will stand by Hamas until they have liberated Palestine and Jerusalem.  Of course, Iran is funding these terrorist groups - fighting a proxy war against Israel.
A Biblical Blinding?
I believe that this 'surprise' attack and massive intelligence failure' was a biblical blinding by God.  There is no way, an attack so massive, that would need months to plan could have resulted in a surprise attack without something leaking out.  Without someone seeing something.  I believe God did this.  (The Gog War is a surprise attack.)  And how could Netanyahu be so naive about peace and security when he's trying to 'normalize' relations with an Arab state that refuses to recognize Israel as a nation and has called Jews 'the occupiers'?  I believe Netanyahu was blinded also to the danger.  So God could fulfill His prophecies.
As to the rest of Ezekiel 38/39 - we'll have to see how this war plays out.  Is this the war where God's fury rises up in His face?  Where He shakes the land of Israel.  And He shakes the sea and Heavens?  And He turns the enemies weapons against themselves and hits them with "rain, great hailstones, fire and brimstone"?
"The super highway of the end times runs straight through Israel, like it or not." 
Israel Peace Talk added to SDG Summit – The Blogging Hounds
Just a few thoughts for now.
Biden has approved an Emergency Military Aid Package to Israel of $8 Billion. 
Tel Aviv has a full curfew going and has required everyone to enter the shelters.
Germany is noting the "real" risk of a major regional escalation.
The U.N. Security Council is to meet on this "situation in the Middle East" on Sunday.
The Taliban has asked for safe passage through Iran, Iraq and Jordan to Israel - to 'conquer the whole of Palestine', 'to conquer Jerusalem'.
Tehran, Iran is celebrating with fireworks and parties.  And Baghdad, Iraq is also celebrating with Palestinian flags and fireworks.  Hamas supporters celebrate across Europe.
The Russians are calling for a ceasefire and the return to the 1967 borders and the establishment of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capitol.
Egypt has responded with their 2nd and 3rd armies 'brought to the highest level of combat readiness'; increasing security at the Israeli border.  And they've sent reinforcements to the Sinai Peninsula.
The King of Saudi Arabia blamed Israel for this - due to their occupying the land of the Palestinians.
Biden blamed for releasing $6 billion to Iran ahead of Hamas attack on Israel.
U.N. peacekeepers deployed to Southern Lebanon ordered to return to their bases.
Israel decided to cut electricity supply to Gaza.
The Hamas leader Haniyeh said they will take the war to Jerusalem and the West Bank.
The IDF was not fully stocked with weapons due to sending much to Ukraine.
Iron Dome was overwhelmed with the number of rockets.
Iran may decide to join the war - if they smell blood in the water.
The Israeli army has declared a maximum alert on the Lebanese border - watching Hezbollah.
Israel may declare a National Emergency Government.
Hamas is targeting Tel Aviv - additional Iron Dome Defense System launchers sent there.
Some 60 civilian hostages have been freed by the IDF
IDF sent text messages to certain areas of Gaza to evacuate before missiles hit.
Saturday night - hundreds of thousands of Israelis are being called up.  Israel bracing for multi-front conflict.
Nasrallah places all his troops in Syria and Lebanon on war alert.  They are ready to enter the fight.
Hamas is using NATO weapons that were sent to Ukraine.
There is a rumor that Putin/Russia directly controls the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Syrian operations - Russia orders, trains and arms Hamas.    (This would fit with a Gog scenario.)
This very well could turn into the Gog War.  IF Russia/Iran and the other countries listed under Gog's command decide to join Hamas directly in an attack on Israel.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem - takes on new found meaning today!