Chance (29 Oct 2023)
"Israeli UN Ambassador Demands Guterres Resignation; Are the Gog War Participants Getting Their Orders?"

Hello John and Doves,
Israel's ambassador Gilad Erdan to the United Nations is asking for the resignation of U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres. 
In a Doves letter a a couple of weeks ago I wrote a letter "BIG NEWS!  The Israel Peace Plan Has Been Added to The U.N. SDG Summit."
The special meeting "Peace Day Effort for Middle East Peace" on September 18 was co-hosted by Saudi Arabia.  And the keynote speaker was UN Secretary General Guterres.  The meeting was about Israel and the pre-67 borders.  The EU, the U.N., Egypt and Jordan were in attendance.  Israel was not invited.
And now we have the Israeli ambassador calling for the resignation of Guterres!!  
So what's got Israel so hot and bothered about Guterres?
"It is important to also recognize the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum.  The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation.  They have seen their land steadily devoured by settlements and plagued by violence; their economy stifled; their people displaces and their homes demolished.  Their hopes for a political solution to their plight have been vanishing,"  said Guterres.
Israeli UN ambassador demands UN secretary-general resign after 'shocking' speech
Guterres basically said that the horrendous attacks on innocent civilians - the brutal rapes, the gunning down of people in their beds, the burning people alive, the beheading of people while still alive, the kidnapping of toddlers, children -  doesn't come close to what the Palestinian people have been going through.
Ambassador Erdan is demanding an apology from Guterres.  But I bet what Guterres said was far more shocking and anti-Semitic at the "Peace Day Effort for Middle East Peace" meeting!!  I think Israel would have been really hot if they knew what the keynote speaker said there.
And Blinken is nothing but a puppet - he's as bad as Guterres in his Israel beliefs.  He's been coached what to say just like Biden.  Biden said if you are thinking about attacking, Don't.  Blinken said the same thing "Don't don't throw fuel on the fire."
Is either Biden or Blinken capable of thinking for themselves??  "Don't" sounds so wimpy.  Like a dare, in fact.  Their big warning to Iran, Hezbollah - is Don't.  I think that's an open invitation to "do".  The US under Biden is weak on foreign policy.  I think we're only over in the Middle East to protect US assets and keep the American Industrial War Complex rolling $$$$.
This was an interesting gathering of countries:
On October 23, the foreign ministers of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Iran, Russia and Turkey met in Tehran.  Issues discussed included "regional cooperation in the security area."
MFA heads of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Iran, Russia, Turkey to meet in Tehran on October 23 – HyeTert
I noted that these countries are all in the Gog and Magog War - they are just missing the African countries Put and Cush  (Libya and Ethiopia?)
Looks like Iran, Turkey and Libya are working together.
So probably wouldn't take much to get Ethiopia and Libya to join the Gog group. 
And, of course, Russia's Wagner Group is in various countries in Africa, spreading Russian influence/control
Are the players in the Gog and Magog War getting their orders?  They may have plans all drawn up and a date picked!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!