Chance (29 Oct 2023)
"The Covid-19 Vaccine Increase in Morbidity/Mortality Continue to Baffle Everyone"

Hello John and Doves,
This is just getting ridiculous - no one can connect the dots??  Huge increase in mortality and morbidity in 2021, 2022, 2023..with the numbers climbing each year....let's see...what was different?  How about the Covid-19 "vaccine"!
Even Newsweek seems unable to figure out what's going on.
Why Are Death and Disability Rising Among Young Americans? | Opinion
"America's labor force is facing a crisis, and no one knows exactly why.  According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of American adults considered unable to work grew by more than 3.5 millions since January 2020, with 1.5 million added just in the first nine months of this year."   
That's ONE THIRD of those on disability (since 2020) were added just this year - January - September!  This is only going to get worse.
"Over the same time period, America has seen what one insurance insider calls an "open secret" of increased excess deaths - the number of people dying above what is expected.  These shocking developments are surely contributing to ongoing labor shortages.  People are leaving work at young ages, in greater numbers, and from diseases seen mostly in later life."
The article goes on..."We need an unbiased, nonpartisan investigation into this troubling trend.  RECORD-HIGH rates of incapacitation threaten our economy and signal continuing waves of early death."
Health departments have been asked to follow up.  Governments have been asked to follow up.  Silence.  The silence is deafening.
"Consider that 25 percent more 15-to-19 years olds than expected - about a thousand young people - died in the first five months of 2023, according to an analysis of federal data.  They are among 87,000 individual people who died in those months.  Compared to pre-pandemic numbers, those Americans should still be alive."
"...some in the insurance industry are sounding the alarm."  Some are blaming 'long Covid'.
"Bret Swanson, chair of the Indiana Public Retirement System and a member of ICSL, believes a better explanation is needed.  "We've got an actual, genuine tsunami, and , in some way, it is overwhelming what we had with Covid itself," he told us.  "Figure out why."  Other experts in the group called these trends the "tip of the iceberg" and a "wildfire loose." And no end in sight - they are predicting at least 3 more years of this, but they don't know for sure.
An actuarial expert, Mary Pat Campbell found some "distressing trends in the data."  When Covid-19 peaked, the excess deaths were of the elderly and immune compromised.  As Covid waned, she "found unprecedented increases in death rates-from all causes, not just Coivd - in prime of life adults compared with 2019.  In early 30-somethings, for example, mortality ran 42 percent above normal in 2021, 30 percent in 2022 and 24 percent from January to May 2023, long after the Covid emergency ended."
"Thirty percent is a huge increase in mortality," Campbell explained.  "Ten percent is huge.  A lot of people just have no idea."
Campbell's findings match up with "excess deaths tracked in the U.S. and other countries by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.  A U.S. Society of Actuaries report from May 2023 also found ongoing, unexpectedly high deaths in working people with life insurance - which it concluded could not be explained by Covid alone."
For 2022, CDC data showed
A 58% increase in liver disease deaths in 20 to 44 year olds compared to 2019.
And a 30% increase in kidney disease deaths in 40 to 44 year olds compared to 2019.
And a 17% increase in cerebrovascular disease deaths (like strokes) in 35 to 39 year olds compared to 2019.  And a 12% increase heart disease deaths in 35 - 39 year olds compared to 2019.
"Drug deaths hit America hard too....these people are counted among the 423,000 excess deaths in 2022."
The article does add a passing comment about vaccine-related injuries and deaths - meriting a "more deliberate, transparent analysis."  Yah, think?
The article ends with, "But until we fully understand what's causing this wave of destruction, we won't know how to end it."
This link shows the excess deaths by country in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 - just click on the 'year' on the chart. Select 2020 and scroll across to the UK and US for a comparison.  Then compare the numbers to 2023.  In 2023, in the US all the weeks are positive for excess deaths - in the thousands.
It never ceases to amaze me how no one will see or admit to seeing the elephant in the room - the Covid-19 "vaccine"!  What changed in 2021, 2022, 2023?  The "vaccine".  
And THEY are pushing the new fall Covid-19 "vaccine".  See my other letter today "Study on Covid-19 Vaccine Mortality And The Enemy of the People."  It should be pretty clear to every one that THEY want us dead.  No investigations into this huge increase in mortality and morbidity in the U.S.  Crickets.  And the CDC's own data shows this!
How many people are going to rush out and get this??
The FDA didn't pull the "vaccine" after the first 100, 1,000, 10,000, 100,000, 1,000,000 reported vaccine deaths!!  Outrageous!
I think we've all seen the help wanted signs and closed businesses due to the inability to get people in to work - this would explain where those 'workers' are - disabled or deceased.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!