Chance (29 Oct 2023)
"The Day The Great Flood Started - 17th Day of the Second Month"

Hello John and Doves,
I wrote a little bit about the 17th day of the second month in this letter last week:
And since that day is this coming this 'Tuesday - Thursday' (depends on the calendar/sighted new moon), I decided to write a bit more.  
This time period covers exactly Allhallowtide - October 31, November 1 and 2.  A very interesting three day time period in relation to a possible Rapture.
We've come around again to this day - the anniversary of the start of the Great Flood.  As I wrote in last week's letter, we think the second month corresponds to the month we are in now, Cheshvan.
The 17th day would be about October 31 - November 1 - November 2.  Depending on if using the new moon sighting. 
October 31 is Halloween or All Hallows' Eve.  November 1 is All Saints' Day or All Hallows' Day.  November 2 is All Souls' Day.  These were established back in the 8th century A.D.  These have been celebrated through out Christendom ever since as Holy Days.  And these days are not just 'catholic days'.  Lutherans, Anglicans, Methodist, Protestants, etc. celebrate these days.
The Hallowed Eve Rapture - October 31st?:
Dr Barry Awe has updated his 'usual' information on this day on his youtube channel:
He starts the video off by saying the anniversary flood date this year is Halloween. 
He and his wife had thought since all the dates they were looking at this year have passed that we'd be looking forward to next year's dates for the Rapture.  But then with all of the current events and with the way things are going in the Middle East, with Israel - they said they can't ignore this - it's not what they thought - something is up and then they were reminded of the Flood.  "And the anniversary of the day that the Lord first sent sudden destruction....the prophecy says, 'when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction shall fall upon them."   The 17th day of the 2nd month (or 8th month) is this Halloween or Hallowed Eve and will be an exact number of years since the first time.  
Dr. Barry's previous videos on this teaching are still relevant today. He's updated a previous video for today's teaching.  I didn't listen to that part, since I watched it last year.  For me, the pertinent part of today's video is the first few minutes with Dr. Awe and his wife.  Very encouraging.
This anniversary date looks like a good possibility for the Rapture.
(280) "The Hallowed Eve" RAPTURE Oct 31? The day counts will Blow your Mind🤯 - YouTube
run time 1:18:00
Never thought about Halloween being a Rapture day - but that's certainly a possibility this year. 
October 31 is Halloween or All Hallow's Eve:
"According to some scholars, the Christian Church absorbed some Celtic practices associated with Samhain (summers end) and Christianised the celebration in order to ease the Celts conversion to Christianity, other scholars maintain that the Christian observance of All Hallows' Eve arose completely independent of Samhain."
Allhallowtide - Wikipedia
 "They believed the festival was a time when the dead could walk among the living."
(I had written a Doves letter a while back about a Prophecy Watchers article about when the dead are raised on the Rapture day that they may actually walk among the living for a while before being 'taken'.  We are changed in the twinkling of an eye - not taken to Heaven in a twinkling of an eye.  Is there a bit of a time gap there?  Like when the dead saints were seen walking in Jerusalem when Christ was crucified - then those people must have been 'raptured' at some time later - but they were seen walking around after being resurrected from the dead.  Interesting thought for our future Rapture.)
November 1 is All Saints' Day or All Hallows' Day:
"Pope Gregory III established November 1 as All Saints' Day, also known as All Hallows' Day, a day to honor all saints of the church that have attained heaven.  "The evening before All Saints' Day became a holy, or hallowed even and thus Halloween,"  according to Encyclopedia Brittanica."  (Even though these days 
November 2 is "All Souls' Day.
All three of these days together, All Hallows' Eve, All Saint's Day and All Souls' Day make up Allhallowtide.
 It's interesting that Allhallowtide has a connection to the Great Flood. "It has been thought that the first three days of Allhallowtide may have originated as a ritualistic remembrance of the deluge (Great Flood) in which the first night, All Hallow's Eve remembers the wickedness of the world before the flood.  The second night then celebrates the saved who survived the deluge and the last night celebrates those who would repopulate the Earth."
Allhallowtide - Wikipedia

On Hallow's Eve (Halloween), October 31, "some believed that the veil between the material world and the afterlife thinned."  The Christian Church traditionally observed Halloween through a vigil - the Vigil of All Hallows or the Vigil of All Saints.  "After the service...there was a visit to the graveyard of cemetery where flowers and candlers are often places in preparation for All Saint's Day."
All Saints' Day, November 1, "is a holy day to honour all the saints and martyrs, both known and unknown."  It is a "universal Christian holy day."  "On All Saints' Day, many Christians visit graveyards and cemeteries in order to place flowers and candles on the graves of their loved ones."
All Souls' Day, November 2, is also called "the Commemoration of All Faithful Departed" and the "Day of the Dead"  Graves are also visited on this day - and flowers and lighted candles were placed on the graves of deceased love ones.
Allhallowtide - Wikipedia
What an interesting 'three days' in reference to a possible Rapture!  (And All Souls' Day is the THIRD Day - "After two days will he revive us, in the third day he will raise us up", Hosea 6:2)   
All Souls' Day "is for remembering people who have died."  "Today, All Souls' Day is observed around the world by people of various faiths and cultural backgrounds."
All Souls' Day—History and Traditions
And there is an interesting prayer for All Souls' Day:
"O eternal God and Father,
you are not the God of the dead but of the living,
and all who put their trust in you,
who rest in their chambers under the earth,
live in you.
Be merciful to us, dear Fther,
do not let us be afraid of the power and sting of death,
but keep us in the true faith in your dear Son,
who is the way, the truth, and the life.
Uphold us with your Holy Spirit,
and give us a clear conscience,
that we may live our Christian lives,
and finally fall asleep in peace and joy.
When we leave this valley of tears,
and rest in peace until you open our graves 
and awaken us with the sound of the last trumpet;
If the Rapture happened at this time, people would be visiting graveyards where 'resurrections' had taken place.  And IF the resurrected have a bit of time on Earth before leaving - that veil between this world and the next would definitely 'be thinned'.  And the 'dead would be seen walking among the living'.
Interesting time period for a possible Rapture, for sure.  And the Great Flood connection to these three days is pretty amazing.  Along with the All Souls' Day prayer.  Coincidence?
 It sure looks like we're moving quickly towards the start of the Tribulation Period.
All Hallows' Eve is this coming Tuesday.  I'm looking at that day and the next two (using the sighted moon dates) as high watch dates.  As Dr. Awe noted - in light of what's going on in  Israel and the Middle East...this 17th day of the second month deserves another look.
A partial lunar eclipse will be visible from Jerusalem on October 28-29, 2023.  Muslims see an eclipse as a sign of Allah - a reminder of the Day of Judgment and the approaching of the End of Times.  They are expecting their Mahdi to come and then the world will be ruled by Islam.  Will this eclipse embolden the Muslims in their fight against Israel and the U.S.?  Is this their 'sign' that the time is now to push for the Apocalypse that will bring back their last Imam, the Mahdi - their Messiah?
Interesting timing for all of this.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!