Hello John and Doves,News today, 10/28, from a team of 'Turkish and American academics called the "Mount Ararat and Noah's Ark Research Team". They've been doing research on a site in Turkey believed to contain the 'remains' of Noah's Ark since December of last year.They found evidence that "suggests human activity took place there between 5500 BC and 3500 BC. This puts this back to the biblical era. They found clayey material, marine materials and seafood.The site is located 18 miles south of Mount Ararat in Turkey and two miles from the Iran-Turkey border.They have been researching this site because some people believe that a "terrain formation in the region, known as Durupinar, is the petrified remnant of the ark's resting place. The dimensions are similar to what is given in Genesis.
Noah's Ark Site on Mount Ararat Shows 'Human Activities' Around Time of The Flood, Say Scientists
Over the years landslides have damaged the structure."The Durupinar site is 18 miles south of the Greater Mount Ararat summit, which the Book of Genesis states is where the ark rested on the seventh month and seventeenth day.""Scientists collected nearly 30 rock and soil samples from the area of the "ruins" and analyzed their findings at the Istanbul Technical University. The dating study revealed the samples to be between 3500 and 5000 years old, or from 3000 B.C., the most recent time when the catastrophic flood is believed to have occurred....it is thought there have been human activities in the region since the Chalcolithic period, that is between the years 5500 and 3000 B.C. "It is known that the flood of Prophet Noah went back 5 thousand years ago," Kayalt added (Professor at Agri Ibrahim Cecen Univsersity)"The holy texts of three major religions, Christianity, Judaism and Islam all have references to Noah and the ark, but scientists have yet to determine the authenticity of the stories.""The formation was first discovered by a Kurdish farmer in 1948 before Turkish Army Captain Ilhan Durupinar identified the site in 1951 when he was flying over the area while on NATO mapping mission," according to the Noah's Ark Scans project."
Samples from ‘Noah’s Ark’ site in Turkey reveal human activity dating back to biblical era, scientists claim
Interesting timing that this comes out now when the 17th day of the second month is this coming week - about October 31 - November 2 (depends on if you use the new moon sighting or not.)Coincidence?Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance