Chance (29 Oct 2023)
"Study on Covid-19 Vaccine Mortality And The Enemy of the People"

Hello John and Doves,
Dr. Skidmore an economics, natural disaster and pandemics researcher who has over 90 published papers to his name, recently published another paper:   "The role of social circle Covid-19 illness and vaccination experiences in Covid-19 vaccination decisions:  an online survey of the United States population."
The role of social circle COVID-19 illness and vaccination experiences in COVID-19 vaccination decisions: an online survey of the United States population - PubMed
Part of the aim of this study was to compare fatal events from Covid-19 vaccinations reported by the public to the data in the VAERS database.  VAERS is the CDC's own Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.
Dr. Skidmore used an online survey with 2840 participants.  The mean age of these participants was 47 years old.  22% reported that "they knew at least one person who had experienced a severe health problem following Covid-19 vaccination."  And based on the survey responses, he was able to extrapolate the total number of fatalities (with 95% statistical confidence) caused by the Covid-19 "vaccine".
"With this survey data, the total number of fatalities due to Covid-19 inoculation may be as high as 278,000" with 95% statistical confidence.
In comparing the reported deaths of VAERS (it is believed only about 1% of actual events are even reported to this database) and extrapolating for this gross underreporting and then comparing this to his survey - he found that as of December 31, 2021 that fatalities due to the Covid-19 vaccine were between 229,319 - 344,319.
That's about one in ten people in the US died from the Covid-19 "vaccine".  Almost 10% of our people.
This "vaccine" is super deadly.  I've reported on "excess" deaths in the highly vaccinated Western countries for years now.  Excess deaths are still rising and the number of injured people - counted as disabilities/morbidity - is skyrocketing.  Ed Dowd reported that according to actuaries, there were 1 million disability claims in the US in one month this summer filed by young women.
Dr. Skidmore's study did not look at the number of people injured by this "vaccine":  myocarditis, blood clots, brain bleeds, auto immune diseases.....and "lesser" health issues like shingles, chronic fatigue, hearing impairment and getting Covid multiple times.  We will never know these numbers.  They could be 3x the fatality number...or much, much higher.
This is what our own DoD has done!  They were behind this "vaccine" and Operation Warp Speed.  This "pandemic" was planned years ago. 
Reports have been circulating for several years now about the increase in mortality and morbidity following this "vaccine".  Scotland, Australia, England, Israel, the U.S. - the reports are there for anyone to see.  These deaths should remove all doubt that this "vaccine" was planned for us.  The CDC has recalled vaccines for as few as 50 deaths historically.  Yet, this "vaccine" just keeps on giving!  And THEY are pushing the new fall Covid-19 "vaccine"! 
There should be no doubt left that the American people have been targeted by the Biden administration and his DoD.
If there is any doubt that the Biden administration and his DoD are an enemy of the people - consider the following:
This same DoD last January let a Chinese spy balloon fly over our nuclear missile base and silos - gleaning whatever military information they needed.  And TV news has been reporting on the increase in sleeper cells and Chinese military aged men coming over our southern border.  Remember how Biden/DoD handled the Afghanistan withdrawal?  Yah.  Leaving the Muslims/Taliban some $7 billion in US military equipment.  Arming Israel's enemies.  Arming our enemies.  And now there are news reports of this equipment ending up with Hamas/Hezbollah.  None of this was 'accidental'. And now, the Biden administration/DoD has sent a three-star Marine general with other military officers to Israel to 'advise' Israel in their Gaza operations. (see my other Doves letter on this today). 
This administration and DoD are enemies of the American people.  And they are enemies of Israel.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!