Chance (22 Oct 2023)
"Time for the Orionid Meteor Shower - Mid to Late October - Peak October 22"

Hello John and Doves,
The Earth passes through a group of meteors called the Orionids every time about this year.  
The Orionids result from the Earth traveling through a dust and debris field left by a comet.  That comet is Halley's Comet that comes around every 75-76 years.
Their "broad maximum will occur from October 20 - 25...they will reach their peak at 12:05AM your local time, on the morning of October 22."
"Stargazers can expect anywhere from 10-30 meteors per hour and around 25 per hour during peak, though meteors are highly unpredictable by nature.  What the Orionids lack in luster is compensated for by the long streaks of light they very often leave, called persistent trains.  These streaks are caused by ionized gas left behind as particles burn up in Earth's atmosphere due to friction.  The meteors can even sometimes break up into multiple pieces or explode in dramatic fireballs."
The Orionids radiate from the star Betelgeuse and Gamma Geminorums (or Alhena). 
"When trying to spot Orion's meteors, you ought not look to the radiant point itself.  Rather, try and take in the whole sky; they will shoot from the radiant and may appear anywhere above the horizon."
When we pass through this debris field,  I wonder if this possibly could be the "great hailstones, fire and brimstone" that falls on the armies of Gog.  Ezekiel 38:22  Interesting time.
These will be seen over any battlefield in Israel.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!