Hello John and Doves,
In this video posted on Street Preachers of Christ Jesus" youtube channel, a Saudi pulls no punches in his 'lack' of love for the Palestinians.run time 3:20I have no idea how wide spread this resentment is across the Arab countries or with Arab people - but add what he said to the below link - makes one think this sentiment is pretty popular. Arabs have seen what Palestinians have done in other Muslim countries - no one wants their 'refugees'."Jordan's King Abdullah on Tuesday warned against trying to push Palestinian refugees into Egypt or Jordan, adding that the humanitarian situation must be dealt with inside Gaza and the West Bank...No refugees in Jordan, no refugees in Egypt."
King Abdullah on Gaza: 'No refugees in Jordan, no refugees in Egypt'
"Their refusal is rooted in fear that Israel wants to force a permanent expulsion of Palestinians into their countries and nullify Palestinian demands for statehood." (I bet the REAL reason is:) And a "mass exodus would risk bringing militants into Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, from where they might launch attacks on Israel, endangering the two countries' 40-year-old peace treaty."
Explainer: Why aren't Arab countries taking in Palestinians
Israel does not want to take back Gaza at this point, nor do they wish to rule Palestinians in Gaza. They want Hamas gone - to stop the attacks on Israeli citizens/land. They want peace with the Saudis and their other neighbors.The real reason EJordan dogypt and n't want these refugees - Palestinians bring violence with them wherever they go - threatening peace everywhere."According to the United Nations, Egypt, which is dealing with a spiraling economic crisis, already hosts 9 million refugees and migrants, including roughly 300,000 Sudanese who arrived this year after fleeing their country's war." And "Egypt says a mass exodus from Gaza would bring Hamas or other Palestinian militants onto its soil..." The Egyptian President el-Sissi believes that the Palestinians "could wreck peace in the region."
Explainer: Why aren't Arab countries taking in Palestinians
The Arab League 'latched' on to all of these people - so called 'Palestinians' - after the various wars with Israel - to use them as an "oppressed" people whose land is "occupied" by Jews. Since the creation of the PLO - there has been nothing but violence against Jews and even other Muslim countries - especially the country of Jordan by the PLO and Palestinian militants. Jordan will not soon forget the turmoil, death and destruction in the wake of the Palestinian occupation of their country! Nor will Egypt which experienced some of the drama and brokered two ceasefires between Jordan and Palestinians - to no avail - both ceasefire agreements were broken by the Palestinians.Why are the Jordanians and Egyptians so adamant about keeping Palestinians out of their countries? They are keenly aware of the violent history of these people. They don't want to have to deal with this violent mess of militants again on their land.Here's a very brief history of the Palestinians in Jordan - and the struggles for years that Jordan/King Hussein went through before finally getting the country back into 'relative' control from the carnage created by Palestinians. Egypt tried to help but got burned in the process.Note that Jordan experienced much of what Israel has experienced with the Palestinians. And Jordan knows the problems of trying to appease neighbors and not make the war worse. Jordan, of all countries, should have sympathy for what Israel is going through! But, they have Muslim neighbors they have to appease.A brief history:There was Black September or the Jordanian Civil War - an "armed conflict between Jordan..with the Palestine Liberation Organization" in 1970-1971. The PLO called for the "overthrow of Jordan's Hashemite monarchy". "On two occasions they attempted to assassinate Hussein, leading to violent confrontations with the Jordanian Armed Forces by June 1970. King Hussein wanted to oust them from the country by force." But he feared reprisals/condemnation from neighboring Muslim countries."Continued PLO activities in Jordan culminated in the Dawson's Field hijackings of 6 September 1970, when the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine seized three civilian passenger flights and forced their landing in the Jordanian city of Zarqa, where they took foreign nationals as hostages and later blew up the planes in front of journalists from around the world. Hussein saw this as the last straw and ordered the Jordanian Army to take action. On 17 September 1970, the Jordanian Army surrounded all cities with a significant PLO presence..and began shelling Palestinian refugee camps....the Palestinians were driven from the cities, one by one...formally marking the end of the conflict."Jordan then allowed Palestinian militants to leave Jordan for Lebanon...soon after this the Lebanese Civil War started. Palestinians later entered Jordan and set up refugee camps - they became known as "independent republics". These republics were in constant battles with Jordanian police. The PLO would go on to become "a state within a state in Jordan". Within Jordan their were frequent kidnappings, and acts of violence against Jordanian citizens.Hussein was between a rock and a hard place - as attacking the Palestinians in his country would cause the whole Palestinian world, spread throughout the Middle East, to become enraged against his country. Hussein went to Egypt for help with the Palestinian militants. Nasser of Egypt "published a ten-point edict restricting activities of the Palestinian organizations, which included prohibition of the following: carrying arms publicly, storing ammunition in villages and holding demonstrations and meetings without prior governmental consent." The Palestinians reacted violently - so Hussein froze the new edict. The only countries that helped Jordan following this was Israel and the U.S. It ended up being a big battle between Jordan and the Palestinians - "many calling for restraint as victory could only be accomplished at the cost of thousands of lives..." Hussein halted the fighting. But the Palestinians continued fighting Jordan. They hijacked more planes...a Pan Am jet was flown to Cairo, Egypt and blown up. More planes were hijacked to Jordan. Eventually Hussein had to declare martial law. More Palestinian refugee camps were bombed by Jordan in Jordan. Jordan feared foreign intervention in the events in support of the Palestinian militants. Jordan was soon attacked by Palestinian militants and the Syrian Army. Again Jordan asked for help from the US and Israel. Fearing reprisals from other Arab states, Hussein asked Israel to only attack the Syrian and Palestinian troops in Syria. The Israelis asked the US for help in case the Soviet's joined the war. After heavy attacks, the Syrians soon retreated from Jordan."Hussein agreed to a cease-fire after Arab media started accusing him of massacring the Palestinians." Egypt's Nasser brokered a ceasefire between Jordan and the Palestinians. After the ceasefire, "Hussein publicly revealed that the Jordanian army had uncovered around 360 underground PLO bases in Amman, and that Jordan help 20,000 detainees, among whom were "Chinese advisers." More fighting, of course, broke out with Palestinian militants - they finally were beaten by the Jordanian army and allowed to leave to Syria or surrender to the Israelis. Others fled to Southern Lebanon.
Black September - Wikipedia
After this, Jordan purged the country of Palestinian militants.(end brief history)This is definitely a pattern with Palestinians. And now all of their hate is aimed at Israel instead of Jordan! (Which Jordan is relieved about.) And Jordan doesn't want them back! And Egypt tried to broker 2 ceasefires between Jordan and the Palestinians in the past. Egypt doesn't want to get caught up in the war with Hamas because Hamas refugees will definitely start firing rockets from Egypt into Israel - pulling Egypt into a war they don't want with Israel - because they see what's going on. But all of these Muslim countries kowtow to Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries...fearful of retaliation if they go after Palestinians fighting inside their countries or using their land to fight Israel from. They try to keep Muslim peace in the sandbox...and try to keep the 'hate' focused on Israel.And then we have people like Nikki Haley proposing that the U.S. bring the Palestinian refugees here, then, I assume due to pressure from her constituents, she now "opposes the U.S. taking Gazans" - they should remain the region.De Santis said, "not all Palestinians are Hamas, but they are all antisemetic". The U.S. should not take refugees from Gaza.
Nikki Haley Backtracks on Supporting Resettling Palestinians Across U.S.
And "Two Republican lawmakers are moving to introduce legislation that would prohibit the U.S. from accepting potential Palestinian refugees displaced by the conflict in Israel." The bill "aims to prevent the Biden administration from granting visas to holders of Palestinian passports..."
House GOP members introduce bill to block Palestinian refugees from entering US
The U.S. does not need more Afghanistan type refugees - unvetted, anti-Semitic, anti-American ("death to Israel'/"death to America") people in this country. We already have Muslim sections of the country run by Muslims - like Jordan's "independent republics" inside Jordan. These are no friend to Americans. And we have the pro-Hamas people in this country who stand with violence, murder of innocent people, and hate. We don't need more.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance