Hello John and Doves,Here is a CBN interview that took place after October 7 (Hamas attack on Israel) with a former Hezbollah fighter - Afshin Javid.The video at the link is extremely moving. Afshin describes his encounter with Jesus.Run time 9:39There is a transcript underneath the video if you'd rather read about this - but much is lost if you don't see this man and his expressions. Such a precious disciple of Christ now.Over the years I have read of Muslims being converted through witnessing the appearance of Jesus. These stories are truly amazing. Jesus had gone to them like he went to Saul/Paul - they had to see Him to believe.But - Jesus said, "...blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed." John 20:29Maybe it's because these people are so devoted to their religion/Allah - they will ONLY believe, if they see.Muslims do nothing that isn't for and about Allah. Allah is the center of their lives. Their prayer routine alone should shame many Christians. They fiercely defend their Koran and their prophet. Christians pretty much just let people deface and vandalize churches, trash paintings and statues of Christ, burn Bibles....we are soooo tolerant of others attacking anything "Christian". I think "turning the other check" has become apathy or 'I just don't want to get involved', or 'it's not worth fighting about'. We don't fight for the Ten Commandments, marriage between a man and a woman, etc...we often just let the anti-Christians do whatever they want.A Muslim would defend his faith, his god, his prophet, his holy sites with his life. Extremely zealous.I don't know why I have read many more stories about appearances of Jesus to Muslims than to Gentiles - maybe these stories are 'more news worthy', I don't know. But when Muslims convert they are even more devout, more sincere than when they worshiped Allah. They KNOW how to fiercely defend their religion and honor their newfound God of the Bible. We can learn much from their devotion.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance