Hello John and Doves,
We've got FEMA/FCC doing a nationwide emergency alert test on October 4. And the Russian Federation staging "its first nationwide nuclear attack exercise across 11 times zones in preparation for potential nuclear war on October 3."The FEMA and the FCC have scheduled a nationwide Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) for October 4, 2023. "The national test will consist of two portions, testing WEA and EAS capabilities. Both tests are scheduled to begin at approximately 2:20 p.m. ET on Wednesday October 4. The WEA portion of the test will be directed to all consumer cell phones....The EAS portion of the test will be sent to radios and televisions."
FEMA and FCC Plan Nationwide Emergency Alert Test for Oct. 4, 2023 | FEMA.gov
The day before, on October 3 - the Russian Federation will have their first nationwide nuclear attack exercise covering 11 time zones "in preparation for potential nuclear war.""The one-day nuclear attack exercise...will include preparation for the destruction of up to 70% of Russian housing stock and life support facilities. It will assume, for the exercise, that martial law has been introduced in Russia and that it has gone through full mobilization."Is the timing of this a coincidence?"What if Russia holds its "exercise" and puts a whole slew of its people in shelters and then, waits for the US EAS test to actually launch a first strike? Americans, hearing the EAS system tones on October 4, might just think to themselves, "Oh, that's the national test, I don't have to do anything" but in reality Russian missiles may actually be inbound. Such a scenario would cause massive additional American casualties in a populace that was primed to ignore the EAS test that day."
Hal Turner Radio Show - Russia to Hold First Nationwide "Nuclear Attack Exercise" - all 11 Time Zones - Oct 3
Newsweek is reporting on this "Russia is set to hold nationwide exercises early next month, according to new reports, in preparation for "the danger of armed conflicts involving nuclear powers.""Russian authorities will hold large-scale drills across the country on October 3 because of the 'growing danger of armed conflicts including nuclear-capable powers near Russia's borders,"...This will be the first time that Moscow has held such drills, which will imagine that Russia is at least partially under martial law and that up to 70 percent of the country's housing facilities have been destroyed, the outlet reported. The exercises will also suppose that general mobilization has ended, and there is the possibility of radioactive contamination...""Leaders and officials from across Russian society, "from civil defense leaders to heads of state corporations," will take part in the drills, according to the report."
Russia Prepares Nationwide Drills With Nuclear War Scenario
In the Russian exercise, the West is the nuclear aggressor. "The scenario of the test reads: 'In some constituent entities (regions) of the Russian Federation, as a result of emergencies or other types of physical impact, complete destruction of life support facilities and up to 70%of the housing stock is possible.' It envisions 'accidents at hydraulic structures, chemical and radiation hazardous facilities resulting in 'secondary hazards'. Civil servants and regional officials will be ordered to organize 'non-staff emergency rescue teams', food and medical supplies, and protection from radiation.""The document further warns: 'The risk of armed conflicts escalating into local and regional wars, including those involving nuclear powers, is increasing.""The Putin regime had "taken a decision to develop measures aimed at increasing the readiness of civil defence forces and means to take measures to protect the population, material and cultural property on the territory of the Russian Federation, including general evacuation from danger zones.'"Putin is known to have several bunkers in his palaces in preparation for nuclear armageddon as well as a fleet of 'Doomsday' II-80 Maxdome aircraft."
Russia: Putin to stage first nationwide nuclear attack exercise | World News | Metro News
So while the Russians are preparing, planning and organizing rescue teams, food and medical supplies and protection from radiation, along with evacuations from danger zones....the U.S. is doing precious little to protect its population from nuclear armageddon. All we'll get (maybe) is a text on our phone. We're on our own from then on out.Feast of Tabernacles is September 29 to sunset October 5. Shemini Atzeret is sunset October 6 to sunset October 7. With the sighting of the new moon for Tishrie, Feast of Tabernacles is sunset September 30 to sunset October 7. Shemini Atzeret is sunset October 7 to sunset October 8.These tests will be within Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot. If this goes live - that day or Shemini Atzeret just might be our 'mystery' Rapture.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.Maranatha.Chance