Hello Donna, John and Doves,
Last week Donna Danna sent this letter to Doves: "RFK Jr: Covid jab development was a 'military project from the beginning'." Thank you for this letter Donna.Much of the information RFK Jr. talked about in this article was what I found doing research over the last 2 to 3 years. I found the DoD to be eyeball deep in Covid and the Covid "vaccine". I wrote several Doves letters about this. I certainly didn't expect to see the U.S. Department of Defense involved in manufacturing of the Covid-19 biowerapon or involved in manufacturing the Covid-19 bioweapon "vaccine". But they were. And that DARPA - the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - which is the DoD's research and development agency was eyeball deep in this 'military operation of Covid-19' along with Chapel Hill (University of North Carolina) And I found that Moderna, Pfizer, etc. were covers for the manufacture of the Covid-19 "vaccine" - military contractors actually manufactured these per orders from the Dod and the DoD had contracts with Moderna, Pfizer, etc. to stick their labels on the "vaccines" - and, as part of the deal, they were protected from any 'adverse events' lawsuits.Dr. Michael Yeadon, former VP and Chief Scientist at Pfizer said the Covid-19 "vaccine" will be used for mass depopulation. Dr. Judy Mikovits, a well-known U.S. virologist and researcher called the "vaccine" a bioweapon. Dr. Lee Merrit, M.D. and former military WMD expert called the "vaccine" a bioweapon. Dr. Francis Boyle, lawyer who wrote our "Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989" under President Bush, believes that Covid-19 was an 'offensive biological warfare weapon.' And there are so many more real experts that have been "fact checked", deplatformed, discredited, etc - trying to shut them up for telling the truth about Covid-19 and it's "vaccine".And in this letter from 12 Feb 2023 "What the DoD Has Done" - contains two videos (with notes) of interviews with Sasha Latypova. a pharma and medical device Research and Development executive. She clearly explains the role the DoD played in the development, manufacture, distribution and total control of the Covid-19 mRNA "vaccines". Even controlling the narrative. The information Sasha presented is damning for the DoD. The DoD was behind the Covid-19 "Warp Speed" - the "vaccine program" was/is a weapon against the people - a depopulation weapon."
What the DoD Has Done
In this interview, Robert F. Kennedy talked about the 'militarized, monetized, totalitarian controls' of the public health response to Covid-19."When Warp Speed finally turned over its previously classified organizational charts, they shocked everybody because the top organization that had managed Warp Speed was not HHS (Health and Human Services), CDC (the Centers for Disease Control), NIH (the national Institutes of Health) or FDA (the Food and Drug Administration) or any public health agency," said RFK. "It was the NSA, a spy agency." (The NSA is an intelligence agency of the U.S. Department of Defense - DoD.)Kennedy said that NIH developed the Covid-19 vaccines - not Moderna and Pfizer - military contractors produced them. "..Pfizer and Moderna were then paid to put their labels on the "vaccines" so that it would appear as if they were products developed and produced by the pharmaceutical industry." NIH owns "50 percent of the patents." "This was a military project from the beginning, " he added. ((There were some 70 Covid-19 related patents from 2008 to 2019. They were already working on this way back then.)People blamed President Trump for "Operation Warp Speed" but what they didn't know was this was already made law years ago. In 2019, the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) put public health under the DHA (Defense Health Agency) - solidifying public health under the DoD. "Operation Warp Speed" was planned before Covid-19 hit the U.S.Some of the American public, think RFK Jr. is nuts because of his stand on vaccines in general. There are definitely a lot of problems with vaccines and there are a lot of contaminants in vaccines - when there shouldn't be. Especially heavy metals. And Kennedy has been outspoken about the Covid-19 "vaccine". At this point, I doubt there is a single American who doesn't know or know of a fellow American who has experienced some sort of adverse affect or death following the Covid-19 "vaccine".People are starting to make the connection between excess deaths not due to Covid, the big increase in myocarditis (all the young athletes dropping dead on the fields), the turbo cancers (cancers that are stage 4 from the get go), huge numbers of blood clot cases (the huge increase in d-dimer tests for clots), the rubbery clots embalmers are finding in the bodies of the vaccinated, the significant increase in auto immune diseases and Guillaine-Barre syndrome, the huge increase in people with shingles shortly after vaccination, the surge back in cancers previously in remission, the increase in brain bleeds, the increase in hearing loss, and on and on.Recently I read about some two dozen medical teams from around the world looking at vials of mRNA Covid-19 "vaccines" - what they found is astounding. Some contained DNA and protein impurities and many had heavy metals and rare metals - like cesium, barium, cobalt, iron, chromium, titanium, etc - and various large structures that assembled themselves and moved on their own. There were also blinking spheres that are believed to be bio sensing devices - nanobots and robotic quantum systems. In one drop of the Pfizer "vaccine" was found micro chips and communication cables - probably partly constructed of hydrogel. This technology is well known to the military, DARPA, NIH, etc. None of this should be in a vaccine.RFK Jr. is absolutely right on with Covid and the Covid-19 "vaccine". And this is a global attack that THEY have collaborated on to use against Americans and the world.What did THEY put in this "vaccine" that they pushed on the world? The military made this - they have no business making vaccines for the public. And they forced this "vaccine" on their own troops. Did THEY load these "vaccines" with chosen disease ready to release by 5G at some point? What evil have they planned for us? Is this part of the planned depopulation to get humanity to the golden number: 500,000,000
What do the Georgia Guidestones say? | The US Sun
THEY don't want us to know this or anything else. And it's the DoD that will be monitoring us! Control of what we hear and read will be significantly upped in the coming weeks.
Department of Defense - Monitoring Social Media with AI - Coming Later This YearOur own military is at war with us. Letting that Chinese spy balloon do whatever it wanted over our nuclear bases and silos should have been a real eye-opener for Americans! And then those green laser lights over Hawaii in January at the same time as the balloon - and not a peep from the DoD about those lasers. The DoD handling of Afghanistan. The DoD handling of Ukraine vs Russia. I never thought I'd see our DoD coming after American citizens like this.God help us. The storm clouds are gathering around us.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!ChanceThe Eye of The Storm
by Gertrude Jefferies
The storm has blown fiercely around me
The thunder claps loud and severe.
The skies so black and so threatening
Makes me wonder, will it ever clear?
My heart is so heavy with sorrow
My tears, like salt drops are warm.
Even though my world seems to crumble
I am safe in the "eye of the storm".
The 'eye' is the hand of my Father,
Safe and secure I'll always be
No matter how fierce the storm rages
More safe I could ever never be.
So friend, if your storm clouds are threatening
And you're wondering what you can do.
Take refuge in Jesus, the Master
Let Him calm the raging seas for you.