Chance (2 Oct 2023)
"Lisa Taylor and Her Obligatory  "There's Still the Feast of Tabernacles" Letter 24 Sep 2023"

Hello Lisa, John and Doves,
Lisa - I think your letter hit all the bases and then some! 
We've passed through the other six Feast Days for this year with good reasons why this day or that day would be a great day for a possible Rapture - written about in numerous letters - to finally come upon the last of the cycle.  We are in Feast of Tabernacles starting with the September full moon.  Then the last great day is Sheminin Atzeret.  "On the eighth day you are to hold a sacred assembly and present an offering made by fire to the Lord.  It is a solemn assembly; you must not do any regular work."  Leviticus 23:36.  This is another day yet special to the Lord.
The parts about Jonah, his booth and the repentant Gentiles, the last trumpet of the Festival Cycle, the Transfiguration, Noah's Ark along with numerous other "great reasons why the Feast of Tabernacles is well worth your consideration"  - all tie right in a to possible Rapture during the Feast week of Tabernacles.
The Feast of Tabernacles is a seven day festival time starting with the full moon on September 29 - so we are still in this time period today.  If you haven't read Lisa's letter for the time period we are in now - here is the link:
Excellent letter, Lisa!  Thank you.
Feast of Tabernacles is September 29 to sunset October 5.  Shemini Atzeret is sunset October 6 to sunset October 7.  With the sighting of the new moon, the Feast of Tabernacles is sunset September 30 to sunset October 7.  Shemini Atzeret is sunset October 7 to sunset October 8.  Dates depend on the calendar used.  Other calendars are a month off.
IF Feast of Tabernacles passes, the next day listed in Leviticus is the eighth day - called Shemini Atzeret.  (see my other letter I'll be writing about that day - I"ll add my "obligatory - "but wait, there's still Shemini Atzeret".
The Rapture can happen on any day of God's choosing.  I look at the Feast Days because they are appointed days/prophetic days of the Lord.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!