Hello John and Doves,
The National Debt Clock was conceived as a warning to the American people. It's been ticking off our increased debt for decades now. Just recently two Bible verses appeared on the clock. Are these ominous warnings for America? Signs of something apocalyptic coming to the U.S.?And this month there will be 2 eclipses - the annular solar eclipse on October 14 and a partial lunar eclipse on October 28. The "ring of fire" annual solar eclipse will be visible from all of the continental U.S.. The partial lunar eclipse will be visible in Europe, Africa, Asia, Antarctica and Oceania. Are these signs - in the Heavens?Are these a harbinger? Foreshadowing a future event?On October 8, 2023, from 9PM to midnight, the National Debt Clock at US Debt Clock.org, had Revelation 1:10 cited along the top section: "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as a Trumpet." October 8 was Shemini Atzeret (with new moon sighting) and the day after the Hamas war started and it was also a Sunday. This verse is the Apostle John's 'rapture' verse. Is this verse pointing to the nearness of the Rapture? I believe this verse went up at 9PM and then was deleted at midnight.This isn't the first time a biblical verse has appeared on the clock. On October 3. 2023, another verse showed up: "And Jesus went into the temple of God and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers." Matthew 21:12 October 3 was the middle of Feast of Tabernacles and was also a Tuesday. What "big" thing happened in the U.S. on this day in America to flip things around and make big changes and create some chaos? Kevin McCarthy was ousted as Speaker of the House. This is the first time in the history of the House of Representatives that a Speaker has been ousted. (Now Congress is slowed up in getting an aid package together for Israel.) Was this verse put on the clock in response to what happened to McCarthy? Or is it a warning of financial collapse/upheaval?
Pressure to fill House speaker vacancy builds as crisis unfolds in Israel | CNN Politics
Here's the website:
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real TimeThe National Debt Clock "is a billboard-sized running total display that shows the United States gross national debt and each American family's share of the debt....it is presently installed on the western side of One Bryant Park, west of Sixth Avenue between 42nd and 43rd streets in Manhattan, NYC. NY real estate developer and billionaire Seymour Durst (since deceased; his family is worth over $8 billion) put the clock up February 20, 1989 - back then the national debt was $3 trillion. He wanted it to "draw attention to the growing national debt". It's been moved several times over the years. The clock is owned by the Durst Organization. Seymour Durst said, "..we don't want to see the next generation crippled by this burden." He was trying to get people's attention on the country's debt problem.
National Debt Clock - WikipediaThe One World Trace Center was lit up in blue and white Saturday night October 8 in support of Israel - it is jointly operated by the Port Authority, the Durst Organization and City Hall.The National Debt Clock's purpose was a warning to the people.Now it seems that the Durst family wants to get the people's attention on the Bible - specifically the time period we are in?More about the October 3 verse that appeared on the clock:With this verse is what looks like a seal with a fish on it. The fish is a symbol of Christian faith. "The fish first became associated with Christianity in around the second century A.D. when it became a secret symbol used by Christians to meet." Jesus was a "fisher of men" so this seemed an appropriate symbol to keep secret "meeting places and worship" and to identify fellow Believers.. Even today the fish is a recognizable Christian symbol.
Ichthys: The Meaning of the Christian Fish Symbol | Lord's Guidance"Thus quoting Matthew 21:12, which directly hints at the collapse of the entire global financial system. So everyone is wondering: what is this message and why it suddenly appeared?" The first option is the clock was hacked. The second option "is a worrying one. This verse "..hung there for a couple of hours, so everyone who needed to see it saw it and it doesn't just hint, but directly points to some kind of imminent catastrophe in the global banking system." The US debt is $33 trillion. "Therefore, we think it is wise to take some small preventive measures just in case - have some cash in your pocket, food in the refrigerator and all that, so that later you do not have to stand in a hundred-thousand-long line for mess outside a soup kitchen. If the crisis is very large-scale, that's exactly what we will see."
Ominous message on the US National Debt Clock website follows a series of strange signals around the world • Soul:Ask | Unlock your mind and soul
More about the October 8 verse that appeared on the clock:Behind the verse is a drawing/map - turns out it's a copy of an old 1657 drawing/map of Jerusalem.The drawing/map is: "Vera Hierosolymae Veteris Imago.
Vera Hierosolymae veteris imago in EarthWorks
This is a drawing/map of Jerusalem. Publication date is 1657. It was done in copper plate.The artist was Wenceslaus Hollar (1607 - 1677) - a Bohemian graphic artist of the 17th century. He was "one of the best and most prolific artists of his time. Collections of his work are in the British Museum in London, Windsor Castle, Fisher Library, the University of Toronto, the National Gallery in Prague and the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.
Wenceslaus Hollar - Wikipedia
Also, "Someone" added the symbol for Alpha to the lower left corner of the map. And the symbol for Omega to the lower right corner of the map. And there is a circle (some sort of sun?) between Alpha and Omega with 8 lines radiating out from it - equally spaced.And "Someone" added 7 angels spread out in an arc shape above the verse with 7 golden candles with flames arranged below them.This certainly is following the theme in The Revelation of Alpha and Omega, the 7 angels and the 7 candlesticks. In Revelation 1:20 the 7 candles are the 7 churches."I have no idea what it all means, except maybe this billionaire family is trying to communicate something to us; and it sounds apocalyptic!"
The Debt Clock is now quoting verses from Revelation!! – Spaces of Energy ~gary beer
So we have two verses and two dates: Revelation 1:10 and Matthew 21:12 and 10/3 and 10/8 and 7 angels/7 golden candles. Alpha and Omega, and a map of Jerusalem. Is the Lord about to shake the financial system? Economic collapse? Or was the shaking this historic action in the House of Representatives? Is the Rapture about to happen? Are we about to start the time period of The Revelation?
To date, there has been no explanation from the keepers of the clock as to why those verses were added to the clock.Are these a warning, harbinger of things to come?In the month of October: the world will have an annular solar eclipse and a partial lunar eclipse:The annular solar eclipse will be on October 14. "The "ring of fire" will be visible over the U.S. for 45 minutes and 8 seconds. If you want to watch this on youtube - Timeanddate.com will "show live views of the entire event from its mobile observatory."
‘Ring Of Fire’ Solar Eclipse Live Stream: Five Best YouTube Channels
"The sky will darken across much of the U.S. on October 14 when an annular solar eclipse crosses from Oregon to Texas, providing a spectacular show as the moon passes in front of the sun." This eclipse won't totally block out the sun. The sun's light will encircle the moon - this the name "ring of fire". This will be visible over about a 1 to 5 minute time period.
What to know about October's rare solar eclipse: Cities in its path, live broadcasts and more
Solar eclipses are considered a bad omen in many cultures. "Many people around the world still see eclipses as evil omens that bring death, destruction, and disasters."
Solar Eclipse Myths and Superstitions
Then there will be a partial lunar eclipse October 28. This one will be visible over the Middle East. It will be visible to Europe, Asia, Africa, Western Australia....
Partial Lunar Eclipse on October 28–29, 2023 – Where and When to See
This partial lunar eclipse will be visible over Muslim countries. Muslims see a lunar eclipse as a sign of Allah.(As for solar eclipses - they see these as a sign of Allah and also a reminder of the Day of Judgment.)
Solar and Lunar Eclipses in Islam
In Islam, An eclipse is "one of the signs of the Day of Judgment and the end of times approaching mankind."
What is the Significance of Lunar and Solar Eclipses in Islam? - The Muslim Vibe
Will these eclipses embolden the Muslims in their fight against Israel and the U.S.? The solar eclipse will be over the U.S. The lunar eclipse will be over the Middle East.No matter how one looks at the National Debt Clock and the appearance of the two verses - this is definitely bizarre. As to what they mean - we can speculate. Will the eclipses end up being omens at this particular time for more destruction and judgment to come? All that will happen is according to God's will.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance