Chance (15 Oct 2023)
"Earthquake Activity of Late and That Huge Fire Wall in Argentina"

Hello John and Doves,
The Earth is really rocking and rolling.  Earthquakes have really picked up in number and strength in just the last few days - starting 10/7 through 10/10/2023.  Since the day before the Hamas attack on Israel - Six 6.0 magnitude earthquakes have rocked the Earth since 10/7.
And Argentina has a massive fire wall on going.  Absolutely biblical!
Looking back to the first 6.0 plus magnitude quake in October - we had a 6.4 in Philippines on 10/4; then a 6.6 in Japan on 10/5; then a 6.3 in Afghanistan on 10/7, then that same day Afghanistan got hit with another 6.3; then a 6.7 in Papua New Guinea on 10/7; then that same day Papua New Guinea got hit with a 6.9 (a bigger one);  then a 6.0 in Argentina on 10/10 and a 6.5 in Afghanistan on 10/10.
The 10/10 quake that hit Afghanistan was 3x bigger than the one that hit Afghanistan on 10/7l
Dutchsinse does an excellent job reporting on these earthquakes and predicting earthquake activity.
(264) 10/10/2023 -- Large M6.5 Earthquake strikes Afghanistan AGAIN, Large M6.0 @ Argentina = MAJOR UNREST - YouTube

And massive fires in Argentina.  This fire wall is just biblical!
(264) Firefighters battle raging flames as Argentina wildfire grows during intense heatwave - YouTube
run time 1:19
run time 1:39
I don't think it's a coincidence that we're seeing this uptick in frequency and number of significant earthquakes.  Especially with the timing of these right before the Hamas attack on Israel.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!