Steve Mullin (30 Oct 2022)
"Even the elect could be deceived"

I just want to put this message out there for consideration and discernment. I do believe that Obama is the Antichrist spoken of in scripture. There is a ton of evidence as you all know from this site that it's true.

However, I'd like to put forward another possibility--Donald Trump. Before you completely dismiss this possibility, please listen to and watch this video by a fellow Christian named Jeremiah Cohen:

In short, Donald has a cult-like following. On top of that, he admits he's never repented, mentions "two Corinthians" meaning Second Corinthians illustrating  his obvious ignorance of scripture, and has an unparalleled ego. 

A verse from scripture that keeps popping into my head when I consider this is the following:

I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in HIS OWN NAME, you will accept him. John 5:43

I can't count the number of times I've heard Trump refer to himself in the third person--that would be someone coming in "his own name." Having that verse applied to Obama doesn't hold the same weight in my opinion. Can't recall hearing Obama saying, "This is how they treat Obama" Obama does however use the word I referring to himself far more than the average person.

When Lucifer tempted Jesus, he made it clear that power, celebrity, fame, money, etc were his to give on this planet. Jesus says it's harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than a camel through the eye of a needle. Trump has been in movies, had his own TV show, is known for his great wealth, is a worldwide celebrity, and a real estate Mogul. Would that not mean that it's harder for Trump to enter the kingdom of heaven? No one can serve two masters--I believe money or Mammon is his true master.

There are a bunch of other factors that are interesting including Trump's relationship to Jeffrey Epstein, the fact that Ivanka was in his black book, the fact that Jared kushner sought to own and now does own a building with an address of 666 5th Ave in Manhattan, kushner's father in prison for fraud, Trump's apartment covered with Greek and foreign gods, Kanye West giving Trump what seemed like a coded message about loving that "dragon energy", the late 1800s book by Ingersoll Lockwood called the Last President which features a character named Baron, based in New York City, and some other strange references. Also there's a very strange connection between Trump's grandfather who worked for the FBI and was supposedly involved in acquiring Nikola Tesla's work regarding time travel--keep in mind that scripture says the future is known. In a book published before 9/11/01, Trump claimed that Osama bin laden needed to be taken out and that something major was coming. Very strange.

Anyway, just want everyone to keep an open mind regarding truth. Can't wait for the Lord to return and take us out of here.

Steve M