Steve Mullin (23 Oct 2022)
"Klaus Schwab re chips in brains"

In the Bible, Jesus said You shall know them by their fruit. We all say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree which is essentially the same thing. I recently learned that klaus's father was a Nazi.

In this short video, Klaus says " you will all have chips in your brain". If I didn't know Jesus and scripture and the truth that the future is known, I wouldn't give his comments a second look. However, obviously Lucifer can reveal, at the very least, parts of the future to anyone who worships him because he clearly states to Jesus that they are "mine to give" in this world. He is called the god and deceiver of the whole world in the Bible. 

Satan knows he loses in the end, but he's trying to take down as many people as possible before that time. 

He is the father of lies. He can disguise himself as an angel of light. Tell me this short video clip doesn't make your skin crawl.

AboveTheClouds on TikTok

Steve M