Ray (30 Oct 2022)
"The Israel election in November 1"

John and Doves,


f my timeline 2023 to 2030 is correct, three shepherds war shall breakout in March/April next year. God cuts them off in one month. It takes us to May 28 Pentecost rapture. I am thinking the following scenario.

In Israel November 1 election, Netanyahu becomes the Prime Minister of Israel. He is against the gas agreement Lapid signed between Israel
 and Lebanon. He cancels the gas agreement with Lebanon. It provokes Lebanon anger. A military skirmish begins in Israel north, which expands to bigger war between Lebanon and Israel in spring next year. Syria seizes this opportunity to gain back Golan Heights.
 Uproar in Jordan. Palestinians in Jordan want to join this fight. King Abdullah II honors the peace agreement with Israel and is reluctant to send army. He is assassinated per Amos 2:1. Finally, Jordan joins the bandwagon to attack Israel. God cuts them off
 in one month. Alas, rapture happens in Pentecost May 28. God calls His church home. Hallelujah!!!

A note here. Russia and Iran shall get involved in this conflict. It is because Israel by 2025 shall become the largest gas supplier to EU.
 Israel threatens Russia's position of largest gas supplier to EU. Iran is long hater of Israel. I am not suggesting a massive involvement from Russia and Iran, but they shall provide weapons and military advice during this three shepherds war. Let's see if
 Netanyahu win the election or not.
