Ray (30 Oct 2022)
"Zechariah 9, Sons of Greece, Part 3"

John and Doves,

If sons of Greece refers to the people confined to Greece, then it doesn't make any sense. God raises the Jews against the Greece citizen? Jews will be all alone during the second half of tribulation while they are facing persecution from Antichrist and his followers who are global. Why does God say the Jews only face persecution from the people living in Greece? What about those people living in France, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, ....? Aren't some of them will follow Antichrist and persecute the Jews also? The only logic is Greece is another name for Antichrist. God calls him Greece because he comes from Greece. And his name consists of Greece. Sons of Greece = sons of Antichrist. They are the followers of Greece. They are global and come from different races and countries. They have one common goal which is to wipe the Jews off the map.
