Neil Lipken (30 Oct 2022)
"I had a dream early this morning."

I have been praying to the Lord for months and months and months to have some type of prophecy related dream, but I have had no prophecy dream, nor have I had any dreams at all.

Early this morning I had a dream that we moved to a beautiful new home.   It had big windows, seemed to be facing some type of water outside the house, and the color decor was light tan and burgundy.   It was new and quite beautiful.   Right now we have no plans at all to sell our house that we have been in for 24 years.

So there you have it.   Prophecy related?   New home in Heaven after the upcoming Rapture?   I don't know, perhaps.


P.S.   I don't think I really need to mention that the hour is very late in these End Times.   I personally believe that the Russia / Ukraine war could be the key to the Rapture.   The war shows no signs of letting up right now.   The West is pouring military equipment and lots of money into Ukraine, and Russia is not happy!   Russian war dead thus far has been estimated anywhere from 20,000 to 50,000.   There have been threats from Russia of using nukes.   One slight miscalculation and this war could morph into something much larger------- "sudden destruction" and Rapture?   Remember that from the "parable of the fig tree" in the Bible (Israel is God's fig tree----Hosea 9:10), the "generation" to see Israel's return as a nation will see all end time events come to pass.   After 2669 years of not being a free, independent nation (since 721 BC when Assyria came down from the north and took the northern 10 tribes of Israel captive), Israel returned in 1948 and we began the "End Times" of this present dispensation, the "Church Age".   Now Israel is nearly 74 1/2 years old, and the Rapture and subsequent 7 year Tribulation Period are most definitely approaching!   We just don't know how much longer to the Rapture.   Anyone left here after the Rapture is going to face the most horrifying time in all of human history!   How does one get their ticket to the Rapture?   Simply accept Israel's long rejected Messiah as one's Lord and Savior-----ask Him into your heart------ simple prayer!  Then start reading your Bible, including the New Testament!   It is 100% true!   Who is Israel's long rejected Messiah?   It is a no brainer!   Go to the OLD Testament------ Micah 5:2, Psalm 22:14-18, and all of Isaiah 53.   I went to these OLD Testament verses back in the fall of 1979, and it was the very best decision that I have ever made by far!   I know Him and I am "Rapture ready"!   My Jewish friends take heed!   If you thought Hitler was bad, he ain't nothing compared to the coming antichrist during the 7 year Tribulation after the Rapture!   You don't want to be here for that!

P.P.S.   You have my permission to send this email to anyone you wish, family or friends, or even enemies!