John G (23 Oct 2022)

John and Doves. . .  Just sharing some thoughts.  I don't claim to have any Biblical scholarship, this is just what my thought nature tells me.

King James Bible Luke 12: 40
Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man "cometh at an hour when ye think not."   WHEN YE THINK NOT!!!  Just His appointed time!!  WE ARE TOLD TO WATCH, AND WHEN THESE THINGS "BEGIN" TO HAPPEN, LOOK UP!!!!

I listen to all the rhetoric about nuclear bombs and spectulation of what man might do?  I have to believe this earth will remain until God's present judgement is complete.  We know that the antichrist will soon be revealed and he will have his three and a half years to terrorize those left on this earth.  He has to have the glory of his self created host body to have his image (idol) warship!!  If the nukes start flying there won't be anything here to buy or sell, including things necessary for life, nothing left but contamination.

The Word gives the best description of His judgement and the devastation.  I believe an earthquake rocking the world would get everyone's attention!  And, also qualifies for sudden destruction.  Another scripture comes to my mind at this point. . . GENESIS 8:22 - While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night "shall not cease!!  (So much for climate change).

It is important to notice that this promise begins with "while the earth remains," God doesn't guarantee thet the planet in it's current form will exist eternally.  In fact at some point in the future, God will re-make the heavens and earth, Revelation 21:1.

Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.  SEE YOU ALL IN THE RAPTURE!!  When we think not!