Gerry Almond (30 Oct 2022)

October 29, 2022


In the passage in which the Church was born on Pentecost 33, the apostle Peter was speaking these words recorded in Acts 2:17-21:

And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on My servants and on My handmaidens I will pour in those days of My Spirit; and they shall prophesy: And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke: The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come: And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved”.

In this marvellous passage is described the days in which we are now living. Included in this passage are the words of Joel 2:28-32, which say virtually the same thing. Peter used the word “notable” to describe the day of the Lord (a term for the great tribulation) while Joel used the word “terrible”. Both describe that awful time of trouble.

In my mind, I see the timing of the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy. That prophecy is well known as a 7 year period divided into 2 periods of 3 1/2 years each, the first called the tribulation period, the second called the great tribulation period and also called the time of the wrath of God. It is the second half that will see the horrors, as the wrath of God Almighty is seen as covering the earth in His righteous anger against evil and evildoers.

So what of the timing? Joel and Peter both gave us the sign. “The sun turned into darkness (not fully eclipsed) and the moon into blood (fully eclipsed) before that great and terrible (notable) day of the Lord comes. So, we need to define the term “day of the Lord”. The Scriptures say that it is a time such as has never been, nor ever will be again, a time of the full wrath of God, a time of gloominess and darkness, a time of pain and suffering of mankind, a time of awful judgment against this Christ rejecting world that has so offended God Almighty.

It may be that this time is to begin soon. I call your attention to the fact that on September 25, 2022, the Jews celebrated their New Year on the Feast of Trumpets. However, October 25, 2022 is the true day of Rosh Hoshana (Feast of Trumpets) according to some, and on that day there was a partial solar eclipse, just as Joel and Peter said. And on November 6/7, there will be a blood moon eclipse, again just as Joel and Peter said. The two signs that both wrote of. And the world is in chaos with supply of food and essentials at risk of drying up due to disruptions caused by evil men. Further, it is a time when men are calling evil good, and good evil. So, do these signs tell us that we are at the time of God's wrath? If so, as I believe is so, is this not approaching mid week of the prophecy of Daniel?

If so, it is time for the Philadelphia Church to be rescued. It is time for the Loadicea Church to bring in a massive harvest of souls before God destroys the evildoers and the evil in this world of hatred against all that is holy and good. In short, it may be time for the rapture of the “ready ones”.

The left behind Church must work out its salvation with fear and trembling, just as the prior Churches had to do. To accomplish this, this lazy, worldly Church will be used to bring in the great harvest of souls, before the wrath of God falls on what is left. This Church, based on John 4:35 will have 4 months to harvest, or 120 days.

It is my guess that we are now in the midst of war in heaven, occurring again just as it did when the captives were to be released from Babylon. That war took 21 days and then came the victory over Satan's archangel who fought Michael in heaven. From October 26/27, exactly 30 days forward of Septembr 26/27, the count of 21 days fully comes will be November 16/17, 2022. I am speculating that this begins the harvest of souls. If so, then add to that count 4 months or 120 days to arrive at the Great Tribulation which may begin March 15/16, 2023, immediately after the Laodicea Church is raptured. If that is the case, 1,260 days later will be August 25/26, 2026.

My heart breaks for the generations of lost in our world today. Yours does too, I am sure. We need to pray like never before, because the days are evil and time is of the essence.


Gerry Almond