Fay (23 Oct 2022)
"Australia - Oh, Deary Me!"


Hi John and Doves,

It seems that Australia is begging for a kicking from Almighty God. I have noticed a creeping anti-Israel sentiment recently. More than the usual stuff. A couple of my go-to news sites have expressed criticism of the Jewish state and people. Matthew 24:12 tells us that this will happen in the end times - "Because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold". It appears that Israel and her people are going to experience a lot of mindless hatred during the end times.

Even some well-known Christian contributors to Christian forums manage to get some sly digs at the Jewish people written into their articles. Calling them 'hypocrites' etc. It does make me wonder what their real agenda is. Are they well disguised plants of the enemy? Our politicians in Britain, Europe and the USA have behaved appallingly - this does not make the ordinary people of these countries 'hypocrites'. The leaders of Islamic led countries have behaved atrociously - the ordinary people aren't labelled 'hypocrites'. But - if a writer has a deep anti-Israel bias - they manage to sneak in criticism of the Jewish people wherever they can. It makes me feel physically ill. Almighty God sees and hears all.

Praying for the peace of Jerusalem.

Please come soon, LORD Jesus.

Australia reverses decision to recognise west Jerusalem as Israel's capital (msn.com)