Elliot Hong (30 Oct 2022)
"Possible SD on Halloween and The Birth on Cheshvan 10"

Dear Doves:

Cheshvan 10 was the day when the Ark's door was closed.
Cheshvan 10 this year is from the sunset of 11/3 to the sunset of 11/4.
And it's possible that the Remnant is birthed on Cheshvan 10.
It's 17 days from Simchat Torah to Cheshvan 10.
As Genevieve received, "The Midnight Cry" could be heard 3 days before the Birth.
Thus it's possible that SD occurs as the midnight cry on Halloween.
Calvin wrote many times that Antares, the evil star of Scorpio was occulted on Halloween 2008.
And 4 days later, O was elected as the 44th President on 11/4(44).
44 means Death and Destruction.
It was 14 years ago, and 14 means Salvation.
Could it mean that believers should get in the Ark by Cheshvan 10 in order to secure Salvation for now?
Cheshvan 17 of Genesis 7:11 is 11/11(Double Judgment) this year.
Some compared the Queen's death on 9/8 at the age of 96 to the Methuselah's death at the age of 969.
It's 64(8x8) days from 9/8 to 11/11.
Only 8 people were saved through the Noah's Flood, and 8 means New Birth and New Beginning.
I presented a possible scenario what will happen from Cheshvan 17 in the previous letter.
I'm convinced that this time frame is one of reasons why the Lord said as below.
"As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man"