Donna Danna (30 Oct 2022)

Jesus was cut off (crucified) in the midst of a Jewish week of 7 years on the eve of Passover, and the church age began 50 days later on Pentecost also called the Feast of Weeks.  So if prior to the last 3 1/2 years of a Jewish week of 7 years is when believers are raptured to heaven, what future Passover dates fall in the midst of a Jewish week of 7 years and on a Pentecost in that same week of 7 years.

The Jewish week of 7 years began on the eve of 9/25/2022 on the Feast of Trumpets & ends just prior to sundown at 9/09/2029 on the eve of the Feast of Trumpets. The eve of Passover at sundown in the midst of these 7 years falls on the 4/01/2026  - 4/08/206 and the eve of Pentecost is on 5/21/2026.  So could the Rapture happen on the eve of Passover 4/01/the Feast of Unleavened Bread 4/02/2026?

The next Jewish week of 7 years begins on sundown 9/09/2029 on the eve of the Feast of Trumpets and ends just prior to sundown on 9/21/2036 on the eve of the Feast of Trumpets. The eve of Passover in the midst of these 7 years falls on 4/13/2033 and the eve of Pentecost is on 6/02/2033.  There is a total lunar eclipse (full blood moon) on 4/14/2033 which is in the midst of a Jewish week of 7 years.  It is part of a 4 full blood moon tetrad.  Will believers be raptured to heaven on the eve of Passover on 4/13/2033/4/14/2023 Feast of Unleavened Bread?  Passover was one of the 3 feasts that the Israelites were required to go up to Jerusalem just like we believers will be going up to New Jerusalem in heaven.