Donna Danna (30 Oct 2022)
"4 BLOOD (FULL) MOON TETRAD 2032-2033"

In Perry Stone's 2 new cds "Will Jesus Return By 2033?", he does not mention that Passover & the Feast of Tabernacles in 2032-2033 are near or fall on 4 full blood moons in a row that are all total lunar eclipses and are called a 4 Blood Moon Tetrad.  Their dates are as follows:

Eve of Passover at Sunset 3/26/2032 - 4/03, 2032
Eve of Feast of Tabernacles at Sunset 9/19 - 9/26, 2032
The above Feasts are near the following:
Total Lunar Eclipse 4/25 - 4/26, 2032  
Total Lunar Eclipse 10/18 - 10/19, 2032 

Eve of Passover at Sunset 4/13 - 4/20, 2033
Eve of Feast of Tabernacles at Sunset 10/07 - 10/15, 2033 
The above Feasts are very close to the following: 
Total Lunar Eclipse 4/14 - 4/15, 2033 
Total Lunar Eclipse 10/07-10/08, 2033 

The Israelites left Egypt on the day of Unleavened Bread which was on the day following the eve of the Passover when the Passover Lamb was killed & eaten which was a symbol of the Lamb of God who was sacrificed and crucified for our sins & rose from the dead.  Will we believers leave this world & go up to heaven on the eve of Passover or day of unleavened bread sometime in the future?