Derrick Drew (23 Oct 2022)
"RE: Chance "Two Moons Dreams and Connection to Rapture - Any Thoughts?""


Hi Chance, first of all thank you for your letters to the doves, they always have a lot of good information and you always bring a lot to the table here.

I wanted to write in to address your letter about  "Two Moons Dreams and Connection to Rapture - Any Thoughts?"

I find this subject EXTREMELY interesting because I have had this same dream also - it was many years ago, but very vivid and unmistakeable. Two moons (or other celestial object in the sky) and then the rapture happened.

I find it so interesting that while my dream was many years ago and I can still remember it vividly, many watchers are having this same dream over and over lately.  I had also seen the video by bro Tyler at Generation 2434 that you referenced and found it amazing that this dream was given yet again to another watcher.

This seems far beyond coincidence and cannot be ignored I think, it clearly seems that God is trying to send a message to his watching community and I can feel confident that it is coming from God because the message is very simple and always consistent - two moons associated with the rapture in some way.

I have one of two possible ways that I interpret this dream, and both are just my own opinions so take them for what they are worth.

Interpretation #1 could simply refer to the Hebrew calendar being off by one month somehow, as we often hear from one source or another, and the 2 moons could refer to any given date which we may anticipate as high watch, but then we have to wait “one more moon” or month to get to the “real” date on God’s calendar - 2 moons= two months.  But I will admit this interpretation is basic and maybe a little lame.

Interpretation#2 is what I feel strongly is more what is implied by this dream, again just my own personal opinion and speculation.

In this interpretation, I take the dream quite literally.  It seems that the common element of this dream is all the people that have this dream actually “see” something in the sky right before the rapture, so it would seem that this is the point that the dream is trying to make.

When I first had this dream, I woke up thinking -“what could this thing be? “ Because more specifically in my dream, years ago, I saw the sun and 2 moons, so I woke up thinking the sun and the moon were specifically represented in my dream but there was an additional third celestial body that looked like a moon, but when I woke I reasoned it could not be “the” moon or the sun because they had already been clearly represented in my dream.

Around the same time (this was probably about 11 years ago if I recall) I had first heard theories about “Planet X” which I know can be quite controversial and is often relegated to conspiracy theory.

I think we can get too deep into studies of this subject, but it does make a lot of sense.  Using the principle of Occam’s razor, and the simplest explanation often being the truth - let’s presume just for a minute that Planet X is true, is hidden at this time from the naked eye, but can be observed with special instrumentation and is inbound - how would the powers that be behave, with the knowledge of what is coming but also knowing that the common person could not see this threat inbound?

First of all they would gaslight the public saying that it didn’t exist and label anyone who talked about it a conspiracy theorist.

Second, undoubtedly an inbound celestial object would affect the gravitational pull of the earth causing a literal fulfillment of. “The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, And shall totter like a hut; Its transgression shall be heavy upon it, And it will fall, and not rise again.”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭24‬:‭20‬ ‭

While we might not be able to feel or perceive this “tottering” or wobble of the earth, this would undoubtedly affect the jet steam and weather patterns, causing “climate change” and the powers that be would have to find something else to blame climate change on.

Thirdly, the powers that be would spend other people’s money like they would never have to pay it back, they would steal as much as they could from the public through high taxation run up national debts and then launder the money through various programs and projects that would benefit them so that they could get rich and make their own preparations.  They would not worry about racking up debt, because they knew eventually the cataclysm to come would mean they would never have to pay it back.  They might not know an “exact date” of the cataclysm as we have had many dates of climate change cataclysm predicted that have never manifested, only to get pushed out further - but they would know it would be in their lifetimes.  So they would just keep printing money and putting off the collapse, hoping they could keep the ruse going until the music stops. 

(As a side note, and this is pure speculation and conspiracy theory - I think this is why many politicians, even if well meaning, get into power and transform into swamp creatures, because they are let in on the little “secret” and told if they cooperate, they can make their own preparations and save their own families, but if they don’t play ball they will be left out with the masses, and if they try to expose it they will be labeled the biggest conspiracy theorist of all - again just my speculation)

Fourthly, the powers that be would probably embark on a depopulation and population control agenda - killing as many as possible with a bio weapon virus and MRNA poisoning and possibly injecting an operating system that could one day be activated so that the few survivors of such a cataclysm would be easier to control.

Is any of this sounding familiar?

We have no real proof of this “Planet X” but its very existence could be the one lynchpin that could make all of this other insanity make total sense.  Even all the transgender insanity and other things like this, meant to distract overwhelm and wear down the general public so that they son’s really wake up and see what is going on and what the man behind the curtain is really up to.

I say there is no real proof, but then again maybe there is.  There is a YouTuber  called Mavstar observatory that has not been tracking Planet X, but may be unknowingly tracking the effects of Planet X and has been for years.  He has been tracking the drifting of the poles.

I found this as interesting because I used to be a pilot and can confirm that in the early 2000s they began renaming airport runways because the magnetic poles were moving.  So this YouTuber, who I do not think is a Christian or at least does not present himself this way, has been tracking the pole shift for the past few years and issues regular updates.  He has done experiments and shows that when the poles hit the 40 degree mark they lose their strength and go through a major shift or possibly reversal.

All of this sounds to me like sixth seal kind of stuff, so I find it interesting.  I also find it interesting that while as of right now we cannot see Planet X with the naked eye, and have no real proof of its trajectory, this YouTuber’s tracking of the poles prognosticates that we will hit that critical 40 degree mark in about 6 months, around April 2023 - very near Passover.  So maybe we do have a timeframe to look to.

So a very long explanation but my personal opinion and interpretation of the dream is that at some point in the future some celestial body, a Planet X for lack of a better term, might visibly appear in the sky, startling everyone on the earth.  Maybe fulfilling “men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.”

‭‭Luke‬ ‭21‬:‭26‬ ‭

I think that at this very moment, the rapture may happen. And by the way, it might fulfill interpretation #1 also, it might have to do with the Hebrew calendar being off by a month or something like that so both interpretations might be concurrently true at the same time. 

This could mean the rapture could happen at any time.  Just because the 40 degree mark is not due for 6 months, does not mean that if there is a celestial body causing it, it could appear at any time that God has appointed to reveal it - this would also cause men’s hear to fail from fear if now the powers that be couldn’t keep that little secret any longer and people knew there was something up there about to cause a pole flip in a few months - so they had warning about just how bad it would get.

It also does not mean there is much if any warning for the rapture, so if anyone is reading this thinking, well I will just wait and see and when the second “moon” appears in the sky, then I will know this stuff is for real and I’ll ask Christ for forgiveness - I don’t think it works that way.  

My personal takeaway from my dream is that it will be momentary.  

If and when this object appears in the heavens, it will remain there to terrorize the inhabitants of the earth, but for the Church, the glimpse will be brief and momentary.  We will see it and be gone, if my interpretation and opinion is right.  So if we will not get much if any at all of a warning, why would God give all of us watchers this dream?  I think just to confirm that the time is drawing near, and is now in this generation, not another.  I think it is also so that we can look at things, like I have discussed above, to confirm that all of the things we are seeing gives us cause to literally look up because our redemption is dreading near, and it may be that one day soon, even if for a brief moment, this great sign will herald it.

So anyway, now that half of the readers probably think I am nuts, there are my 2 shekels, er, 2 cents, take them for what they are worth, but you had asked for thoughts so here are mine.

Your watching brother in Messiah,

Derrick Drew