Chance (30 Oct 2022)
"25 Days Left of Diesel and 26 Days Left of Heating Oil"

Hello John and Doves,
"The US has just 25 days of diesel supply, the lowest since 2008, according to the Energy Information Administration....At $5.324 a gallon, they're 50% higher than this time last year, according to AAA data."
"Some relief is on the way.  At least two vessels carrying around 1 million barrels of diesel are due to arrive in New York after being diverted from their original destinations in Europe."
Diesel Supply of Just 25 Days Poses Problem for Biden
"In a rare reversal of normal trade flows, New York is sending two diesel cargoes to Europe, even as regional inventories are at multiyear lows and prices hover close to record highs...This is a reversal of recent trade flows, which say cold-gripped New York Harbor import at least 4.5 million of barrels of diesel from Europe and Russia since the start of the year for power generation and home heating."
While, "Diesel exports from the Gulf coast to Europe are also picking up, with around 103,000 barrels a day heading to the continent so far this month, compared with 19,000 in February." New York Sends Diesel to Europe in Rare Reversal - Bloomberg
So while supplies have been dwindling in the U.S. - not a surprise to anyone - diesel exports have increased from 19,000 barrels a day to Europe to 103,000 barrels a day to Europe.  Who couldn't see that "diesel crunch" coming to the U.S.?
 "Mansfeld Energy (a major fuel supply and logistics company) issued the alert Friday stating there was a developing diesel fuel shortage in the southeastern region of the United States.  The company speculated that the shortage could be generated from "poor pipeline shipping economies" and a historically low supply of diesel reserves....States that are expected to experience serious effects of the shortage include Maryland, Virginia, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina and South Carolina..."Mansfield is also moving the Southeast to Code Red, requesting 72-hour notice for deliveries when possible to ensure fuel and freight can be secured at economical levels."
And, on top of a diesel reserve shortage - there is a heating oil shortage!  This will mainly effect the Northeast of the U.S. - the New England States.
Oil executive Sam Livieri (Apple Oil President) issued a stern warning to Americans on the ability to heat their homes as winter draws closer.  Livieri said Tuesday that with a low supply of heating oil, the country could see a "perfect storm", particularly in New England."  He said the "situation has become an emergency".  "States in the Northeast are reportedly already rationing heating oil as prices rise."  "There's no heating oil", Livieri said Tuesday.  "Our supplies are low, and we have high prices."  "He called on federal and state leaders to take action on ramping up supplies while the weather is still mild.  Livieri said prices are roughly 40% higher than in 2021 and are expected to skyrocket when demand reaches its peak in the winter months."
Heating oil company warns 'perfect storm' coming this winter unless supplies are replenished | Fox News
"The Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve holds roughly one million barrels of home heating oil.  House Democrats from New England are asking President Biden to release some of those reserves to help reduce home heating prices in the region, leading into the winter months.  But experts say the developing home heating oil shortages is not going away anytime soon."
Fuel company issues diesel shortage warning, says conditions 'rapidly devolving' | Fox Business
I did some research and found that 82% of households in the U.S. that use heating oil are in the northeast.  These customers used about 2.6 billion gallons of heating oil (85% of the total residential heating oil sales)  Releasing some of that one million barrels is a drop in the bucket!
I've never used heating oil, so had to look up some information about it.  "The United States has two primary sources of heating oil - domestic oil refineries and imports from other countries....Heating oil imports generally supplement supplies during the winter mostly to help meet consumer demand in the Northeast."
So how did the U.S. go from being energy independent and a major exporter to begging from Saudi Arabia and Venezuela?
"When President Biden took office on January 20, 2021, the average cost for a gallon of regular gas cost $2.38.  By the time Putin invaded, it cost $3.53."  This is not "Putin's price hike."  When Biden tapped into our Strategic Reserve - which is meant "to reduce the impact of severe energy supply interruptions, "either by embargoes or natural disasters"...Biden took ownership of the drop of price of gas at the pump, but the real reasons were drop in consumer purchases and drop in the price of the barrel of oil.  Biden's push for electric vehicles and green energy and ending fossil fuels and companies pushing his green agenda - like banks not giving loans for oil exploration, drilling, etc has hurt the oil industry.  No oil company is going to build a new refinery now to get our distillates, gasoline, etc.  And they are at 90% total operable capacity already.  Biden and his failed energy policies are crippling the country.  Crippling our economy. 
All The Ways Biden Has Botched The U.S. Response To High Gas Prices | The Daily Wire
Too bad the U.S. isn't going to run out of diesel or heating fuel on November 1 - a week before the mid term elections.  Maybe this would wake people up from their woke agenda and "women's health" issue (their "right" to an abortion) as their only concern for the mid-terms - to what is really going to rock their world!!  As of October 14 - the U.S. has only 25 days of reserve diesel supply.  And according to this Bloomberg article on October 13, 2022 the U.S. has 26 days of heating oil left.
A 26-Day Supply of Heating Oil Is Bad News Before US Winter - Bloomberg
 When these "perfect storms" hit this winter, it will be too late to "vote" out the Democrats.  These are two good reasons to oust as many as possible!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!