Chance (30 Oct 2022)
"The Timing of the Two Witnesses"

Hello John and Doves,
I thought I'd take a look at the time period given to the two witnesses (probably Elijah and Moses (Jews) - Enoch was a Gentile) of The Revelation.  The two witnesses showing up starts a 1,260 day time period.  Very specific. 
If one is in the Seven Year Tribulation camp - the two witnesses, according to most prophecy teachers (like Dr. Ron Rhodes and Tim LaHaye), show up at the start of the Tribulation - in the 'lesser' tribulation time period (compared to the Great Tribulation or 2nd half) ; I have seen studies by others (like Dr. John Walvoord and Dr. Mark Hitchock) that have the witnesses showing up with the start of the Great Tribulation/2nd half.  If one is in the 3.5 Year Tribulation camp - they show up at the start of the tribulation.  For either camp, The Revelation is pretty clear about when they prophecy in relation to most everything else that is going on.
"Most prophecy scholars conclude that the two witnesses do their miraculous work during the first three and a half years."  So they can prophecy and do miracles without a lot going on.
Part Two: The Timing of the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11
The seven year Tribulation Period involves two halves of 1260 days - in the first half there is relative "peace" under the Antichrist - basically; the second half is called the Great Tribulation or Jacob's Trouble - a time of great destruction and distress. This is where a lot of the really bad stuff happens.
In the most common 7 year tribulation scenario, the two witnesses are to appear at the start of the seven year Tribulation to coincide their 1260 day time period to the first half of the tribulation (1260 day time period). The time 'before the Great Tribulation) so they can prophesy. They are given 1260 days to prophecy and bring fire, drought, and innumerable plagues upon their enemies - "anyone who wants to harm them must be killed."  Revelation 11:5  Right before this in verse 4 - Jerusalem has been given over to the nations/gentiles who "will trample the holy city for 42 months." Can we assume that these two time periods are the same one time period?
 When these witnesses finish their 1260 days, the beast from the Abyss kills them...and for 3.5 days their bodies lie in the streets.  At the end of 3.5 days "the breath of life from God entered the two witnesses...and they went up to heaven in a cloud..."  Revelation 11:11,12
Reading on - we find that there was a lot of major global disasters going on before and during their 1260 day prophesying - their ministry occurs during the first/second woe (or with the First Trumpet blast/or the 42 months of the gentiles??) - the Three Woes come AFTER the fourth trumpet blast - lots of bad stuff has been happening before the two witnesses are written about during the woe time.  (Maybe their time starts before the woes/maybe at the very beginning of the Tribulation Period, as I wrote, with the 42 months?)
"And in that hour, there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city collapsed.  Seven thousand were killed in the quake and the rest were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven.  The second woe has passed.  Behold, the third woe is coming shortly." 
So the two witnesses prophesy during the First Woe/the Second Woe time periods.  (How far is that day wise from the start of the 42 months?  As I wrote, can we assume they start and cover the same time period?)  The Second Woe ends in that hour they are raised from the dead followed by the great earthquake.  And "the third woe is coming "quickly" and right on the heels of the deaths of the "two witnesses."  Unless we have overlapping 1260 day time periods (which would open a lot of rabbit holes), I would guess that the two witnesses are given 1260 days that corresponds with the 42 months the holy city is trampled by the nation/gentiles.  (And that's also the beginning of the trumpet blasts/before the three woes?)
So this means, the two witnesses are doing their 1260 day prophesying during a woe - and this is certainly not a relatively peaceful time under the Antichrist's treaty.  It's pretty terrifying.
So what is going on during the second woe?  " addition to the unleashing of the hostile horde "from beyond the Euphrates", the "second woe" includes the "little scroll", the "measuring of the sanctuary" and the ministry of the "two witnesses."
Three Woes
These Three Woes correspond to the last three trumpet blasts (of the seven trumpet blasts).  
What are the first four trumpet blasts:  Revelation 8: 6 - 13
Trumpet 1:  "Then the first angel sounded his trumpet, and hail and fire mixed with blood were hurled down upon the earth.  A third of the earth was burned up, along with a third of the trees and all the green grass."
Trumpet 2:  "Then the second angel sounded his trumped, and something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea.  A third of the sea turned to blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed."
Trumpet 3:  "Then the third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star burning like a torch fell from heaven and landed on a third of the rives and on the springs of water.  The name of the star is Wormwood.  A third of the waters turned bitter like wormwood oil, and many people died from the bitter waters."
Trumpet 4:  Then the fourth angel sounded his trumped, and a third of the sun and moon and starts were struck.  A third of the stars were darkened, a third of the day was without light and a third of the night aw well."
Then come the Three Woes.  "And as I observed, I heard an eagle flying overhead, calling in a loud voice, "Woe! Woe!  Woe! (three woes) to those who dwell on the earth, because of the trumpet blasts about to be sounded by the remaining three angels!"  That's the 5th, 6th, and 7th trumpet blasts.
Revelation 9: 1 - 11 describes the Fifth Trumpet:  a star falls from heaven with a key to the pit of the Abyss...the Abyss is opened and smoke rises out of it and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the pit.  Locusts come out and can only harm "those who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads".  (the servants of God have a seal placed on their foreheads).  These locusts torment man for five months.  And are ruled by a king - Abaddon/Apollyon. (We have to have Abaddon released from the Abyss because he is the beast that "wages war with them (the two witnesses) and will overpower and kill them."  Revelation 11:9)
Revelation 11:12 - the next verse:  "The first woe has passed.  Behold, two woes are still to follow.
The Sixth Trumpet blast releases the four angels of the Euphrates River.  They are released to kill a third of mankind.  "Now the rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the works of their hands."  Revelation 9:20
The Second Woe involves the releasing of the demonic horde from the Euphrates River, the little scroll that John eats, the measuring of the sanctuary with a measuring rod and the ministry of the two witnesses.
As I wrote above - after the witnesses are killed (by Abaddon) and rise from the dead..."And in that hour, there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city collapsed.  Seven thousand were killed in the quake and the rest were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven.  The Second Woe has passed.  Behold, the Third Woe is coming shortly." 
"The second woe has passed.  Behold the third woe is coming shortly."  Revelation 11:14  This Third Woe includes the Seventh Trumpet...."..and loud voices called out in heaven:  "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He will reign forever and ever."
"And the twenty-four elders who sit on the thrones before God fell on their faces and worshiped God, saying:  ...The nations were enraged, and Your wrath has come.  The time has come to judge the dead and to reward Your servants the prophets as well as the saints and those who fear Your name, both small and great - and to destroy those who destroy the earth."
"Then the temple of God in heaven was opened and the ark of His covenant appeared in His temple.  And there were flashes of lighting and rumblings, and pearls of thunder and an earthquake and a great hailstorm."  Revelation 11:15-19.
This Third and Final Woe comes at the end of the Tribulation...and culminates in the final judgment.  This Third Woe brings in the last of the seven trumpets.  There are only three woes.  And the last three trumpets occur in those three woes.  
The two witnesses show up for 1260 days...and die at the start of the Third Woe...and that includes the Seventh Trumpet blast - to bring in The Kingdom of God. Set up His reign on Earth.  To judge the dead and reward His servants. Opening up the temple of God....with lighting, rumblings, thunder and an earthquake and a great hailstorm.
The Third Woe could occur very quickly. Hours?  It looks like the Second Woe was an hour (that big earthquake).
There are 5 time periods given in The Revelation that equal 1260 days.  42 months where the Gentiles trample on the Holy City.  The woman was given the wings of the great eagle for a time and times and half a time.  The woman fled into the wilderness where God has prepared a place for her for 1260 days. The two witnesses prophesy for 1260 days clothed in sackcloth.  42 months are given to him (AC) to act with authority.  
Understand 3.5 Years - 1260 Days - 42 Months In Revelation & Daniel!
The 42 months of the Gentiles trampling the Holy City may be the same 42 months the Antichrist is in power.  The two time periods given for the woman who is protected by God are probably the same also.  And the two witnesses prophesying for 1260 days is probably the same time period the Gentiles trample the Holy City.  (So does the woman flee when the AC is in power and the Holy City is trampled by the Gentiles?  That would make all 5 of these time periods that same time period - one of 1260 days long.  Just a thought.)
Things can move quickly in The Revelation - in an hour or less! 
The Ten Kings reign with the beast for one hour.  The Great City fell in an earthquake in one hour.  There was silence in Heaven for half an hour.  There is the 'hour' of God's judgment.
And an hour to reap the harvest.  Things don't need a lot of time to happen.
Anyway, just some thoughts for now...
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!