Chance (23 Oct 2022)
"Covid-19 Vaccine Addes to Immunization Schedule and Physicians Speaking Out"

Hello John and Doves,
The hits just keep coming!
Now the CDC's "vaccine advisory committee has recommended that the Covid-19 vaccine be added to the childhood immunization schedule, a list that many states use as a guideline when crafting vaccination requirements for schools and day care."  The Advisory Committee (a group of doctors) voted 15 - 0 in favor of adding this "vaccine" to the vaccination schedules for adults and children for 2023.  That's starting at 6 months old!!
CDC advisory group votes to add COVID-19 shot to child vaccination schedule | Washington Examiner
They didn't even give this a second thought - with all the excess deaths and disabilities reported since the "vaccine" was rolled out; all the miscarriages, all the blood clots, all the cases of myocarditis...They didn't even blink!  Not a single dissenter in the group!  
This immunization schedule can "influence how states decide which vaccinations to require for children to attend school."
"CDC knows this will precipitate mandatory Covid shots for many schools and sports leagues, "Rep Thomas Massie, $-Ky, tweeted ahead of the vote.
CDC advisory committee votes to add COVID-19 vaccine to immunization schedules for children, adults | Fox News
I can see Blue states latching on to this and requiring it for all children to attend school - starting at kindergarten and pre-school, all the way up through middle school up through college!  
Any doctor who speaks out against this risks loosing his license...and more!  "This is why all doctors support whatever the CDC says.  To do otherwise, ends their career." 
Dr. James Thorp on medical censorship
In spite of the threats - there are/doctors speaking up and calling foul!
Dr. Thorp and Dr. Bliss and Dr. Hoffe are speaking out.  The Florida Surgeon General (Dr. Joseph Ladapo) is speaking out.  In fact he advised men between the ages of 18 - 39 against getting a mRNA Covid-19 vaccine....Ladapo's guidance said the vaccine causes an increase in cardiac-related deaths."
Fla. surgeon general's new COVID vaccine guidance sparks confusion
Dr. James Thorp is a medical doctor, 43 years as an OBGYN.  He said he sees some 6,000 to 7,000 high-risk pregnant patients a year.  He is reporting a 12,000 fold increase in menstrual abnormalities.  "The vaccine causes a significant inflammatory effect.  Anything that causes inflammation in my business causes damage, injury, death and destruction in pregnancy.  We've known this for half a century."  Dr. Thorp reported that the Covid-19 vaccines causes 273.7 pregnancy losses per month; all other vaccines cause 5.4 pregnancy losses per month.   "..he has witnessed many more cases of fetal deaths and miscarriages inside mothers.
Dr. James Thorp on medical censorship
"The Pfizer FOAI documents were released to the public revealing that there were 274 pregnancy adverse events, of which 75 were "serious", yet the public health authorities and The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists strongly recommend the vaccine during pregnancy.  Dr. Thorp is risking his career by speaking out on the truth of what he is seeing in his practice and what the publicly available Pfizer documents and VAERS are showing.  These mRNA vaccines are not safe in pregnancy for both moth and growing child at a minimum."
Dr James Thorp - Totality of Evidence
Then Kimberly Biss, MD OBYGYN "explains in her hospital she is seeing a huge increase in infertility and miscarriages as well as a 25% increase in irregular cervical cancer screening."  "I can definitely say that since the vaccine rollout started we have seen in our practice a decrease in new OB numbers which would be infertility by about 50%.  We've also seen an increase in miscarriage rate by about 50%.  And I would say there is probably about a 25% increase of abnormal pap smears as well as cervical malignancies in our area."
"Dr. Charles Hoffe found that 62% of patients who received Covid mRNA jab test positive for blood clots.  The those people will probably all develop right-sided heart failure within three years and die because they now have increased vascular resistance through their lungs....During a Zoom meeting with other medical professionals, Dr. Charles Hoffe explained he's been running a study on recently vaccinated patients, having them take D-dimer blood tests to determine whether they have blood clots....Dr. Hoffe says the clots, which could number in the thousands and are hard to detect due to their microscopic size, are caused by messenger RNA molecules in the vaccine which cause spike proteins to form, which in turn attach to the cell impeding blood flow and damaging blood vessels."
Dr Hoffe isn't the only doctor reporting these blood clots that are only detectable using the d-dimer test.
And Governor Ron DeSantis "drew a line in the sand Thursday, telling reporters he is against mandatory Covid-19 vaccine shots for children."  Good for him!!
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis says there will be no children's COVID vaccine mandate
And to add insult to injury, literally, Prizer "will charge $110 to $130 for a dose of its Covid-19 vaccine once the U.S. government stops buying the shots....Pfizer executives "said the commercial pricing for adult doses could start early next year, depending on when the government phases out its program of buying and distributing the shots....The Affordable Care Act requires insurers to cover many recommended vaccines without charging any out-of-pocket expenses."  (And this new CDC ruling covers this "vaccine".)  This announcement may 'encourage' those who haven't gotten this by the end of the year, to reconsider - as they won't be free any more.  Just more manipulation.  Don't fall for it.
Pfizer says COVID-19 vaccine will cost $110-$130 per dose - ABC News
The American taxpayers paid for the research at Pfizer for this vaccine and paid for the development of this vaccine, even for the testing of this "vaccine" and bought millions and millions of these "vaccines".  This just shows how absolutely desperate THEY were/are to get every American injected with this!
"Johnson and Johnson, Moderna, Sanofi, and AstraZeneca together are estimated to have received more than $2.7 billion from the federal government to cover expenses related to human trials. (That they never reported to the American people!)....Most recently the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the Biomedical Research and Development Authority alone has spent $19.3 billion on Covid-19 vaccine development.  In addition, Lisa Cornish projected $39.5 billion in US spending."
It Was The Government That Produced COVID-19 Vaccine Success | Health Affairs
The following website shows the absolutely sickening amount of money thrown at this "vaccine"!  Again showing how desperately THEY needed to get everyone injected.  (For their agenda of depopulation).
Interactive: Who's funding the COVID-19 response and what are the priorities? | Devex
If this isn't shocking is a letter from Dr. William Makis, MD of Alberta Health Services, University of Alberta, Department of Radiology to the Canadian Medical Association in Ottawa.  In this letter he updates his previous letter to them from September 3, 2022 in which he reported 32 sudden and unexpected deaths of young Canadian doctors "since the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccines" informing them that that number of sudden and unexpected deaths in young Canadian doctors is now about 80."  He writes that they "cannot continue to ignore this."  His team's database shows that "Canadian doctors deaths under age 50 in 2022 will be 2-fold higher compared to the 2019-2020 average.  Shockingly, Canadian doctor deaths under age 40 are already 5-fold higher in 2022 compared to the 2019-2020 average and Canadian doctor deaths under age 30 are 8-fold higher!"  He calls for the Canadian Medical Association to "call for an immediate halt to all Covid-19 vaccine mandates in Canadian healthcare."  Letter dated October 15, 2022
This is happening everywhere this mRNA "vaccine" has been used on the public.
This August 29, 2022 article is about excess deaths in Europe.  "Official mortality figures in Europe show that there has been a shocking 691% increase in excess deaths among children since the european Medicines Agency extended the emergency use authority of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine for use in children aged 12 to 15 in May 2021.  Before this decision by the European Medicines Agency, deaths among children in 2021 were below the expected rate.  But following the emergency use authorisation, excess deaths among children by the end of the year had risen by a deeply troubling 1,599% compared tot he 2017 to 2020 average.  Unfortunately, this trend has continued into 2022, with Europe officially recording a 381% increase in excess deaths among children this year so far, compared to the 2019 to 2021 average."  There research into the data across Europe shows "excess deaths among children across Europe have increased by 691% since the European Medicines Agency first approved a Covid-19 vaccine for children aged 12 to 15 in May 2021."
Europe officially records a shocking 691% increase in Excess Deaths among Children since EMA first approved COVID Vaccine for Children – The Expose
And here's info from Israel dated August 29, 2022: 
Red alert: Excess deaths surging in vaxxed-to-the-max Israel... - Revolver News
Everyone should be shocked to their core by this information!  But not a peep from our government or health department!  This is unbelievable!  Other vaccines were pulled for being linked to less than 50 deaths!  This just shows there is an agenda here...and it's deadly!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!