Bob Ware (30 Oct 2022)
"11/8/2022 will be the first time in U.S. history that a ‘Total Lunar Eclipse’ will occur on a Federal Election Day"

This is a continuation of my previous post:

This coming Election Day on 11/8/2022 will be the first time there will be a total lunar (or solar) eclipse on a Federal Election Day since the first time that elections were held on Tuesday after the first Monday in November of 1876. I took that information from


11/8/2022 will be the 74th Federal Election Day since the first one was held on 11/7/1876. 74 equals: 2 x 37. The 37th Election Day was held on 11/2/1948. That was 2 x 86 days after Israel declared their independence and was born again on 5/14/1948. 86 is the gematria of ‘God’ in Genesis 1:1. These 37 election days had a total of 888 hours. 888 is the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS’. There are 2557 days in seven solar years and 2520 days in seven prophetic years. That is a difference of 37 days. 11/2 is the earliest date for an Election Day and 11/8 is the latest date. The 74th Election Day will be held on the latest date of 11/8. These 74 election days will have a total of 1776 hours (2 x 888). The United States was born on 7/4/1776.


The sum of all 74 Election Day numbers in November is 377. 377 is the radius of a circle with a circumference of 2368 – the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’. The 1776th day around my ‘Circle of Jesus Christ’ was 8/25/2022. 8/25/2022 fell exactly 3/4 (270 degrees) around my ‘Circle of Jesus Christ’. On 8/21/2017 there was a total solar eclipse across the United States. There will be a second one on 4/8/2024 that will complete a giant ‘X’ across the United States. 4/8/2024 is the last date around the circumference of my ‘Circle of Jesus Christ’. From 11/8/2022 to 4/8/2024 will be 518 inclusive days. 518 equals: 7 x 37, or 7 x 74 (Election Days), or 2 x 259. 259 is the gematria of the first tribe name on the Breastpiece (‘Reuben’).


From the first Election Day on 11/7/1876 to 11/8/2022 will be 146 years and 1 day. 146 equals: 2 x 73. 37 and 73 are the third and fourth Star of David numbers. 37 x 73 equals the Hebrew gematria of Genesis 1:1 (2701). The 73rd triangle number is also 2701. The 73rd election held on 11/3/2020 was stolen by self-serving and depraved demons. The United States may never recover from the damage that has been done since that election.


11/7/1876 to 10/30/2022 will be 37 steps of 1441 days. 1441 is the sixteenth Star of David number. The 1441st day of the last 19-year Jewish calendar cycle was 9/11/2001.




The following was taken from:

First Designated Congressional Election

The 1876 congressional elections were the first to be held on Tuesday next after the first Monday in November… “Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, is hereby fixed and established as the day for the election . . . of Representatives and Delegates to the Congress.” President Ulysses S. Grant signed the law on February 2, 1872. Because Senators were elected by state legislatures instead of popular elections, the law didn’t apply to the Senate until the ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment in 1913.

The following was taken from:

The 1876 United States elections were held on November 7. In one of the most disputed presidential elections in American history, Republican Governor Rutherford B. Hayes of Ohio ended up winning despite Democratic Governor Samuel J. Tilden of New York earning a majority of the popular vote. The Republicans maintained their Senate majority and cut into the Democratic majority in the House.

The 1876 presidential election was heavily contested, and saw the highest turnout of voting age population in American history.[3] Democratic Governor Samuel J. Tilden of New York won the Democratic nomination on the second ballot of the 1876 Democratic National Convention, defeating Indiana Governor Thomas A. Hendricks and a handful of other candidates. Republicans chose Ohio Governor Rutherford B. Hayes on the seventh ballot over Maine Senator James G. Blaine, Senator Oliver P. Morton of Indiana, Secretary of the Treasury Benjamin H. Bristow, and several other candidates.[4]

While Tilden outpolled Hayes in the popular vote by a margin of three percent, he had 184 electoral votes to Hayes' 165, with 20 electoral votes in dispute: in Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina, each party reported its candidate had won the state amid various allegations of electoral fraud and intimidation of voters, while in Oregon, one elector was declared illegal (as an "elected or appointed official") and replaced.

To resolve this dispute, Congress formed the Electoral Commission to investigate these electoral votes: this commission awarded all 20 electoral votes to Hayes after a bitter legal and political battle, giving him the victory with 185 electoral votes to 184. While many Democrats felt that Tilden had been cheated out of victory, the informal "Compromise of 1877" saw Democrats recognize Hayes as President in return for the end of Reconstruction.


74 Election Dates 1876 to 2022.jpg

11-7-2022 and Circles of Christ and Jesus Christ.jpg