Bob Ware (23 Oct 2022)
"1/25/1948 Supermoon plus the sum of all 1189 Bible chapter numbers as days will be 11/30/2022 – the 66th day of 5783"


The last occurrence of the word ‘moon’ in the Bible is Revelation 21:23 “And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb [is] the light thereof.”


The U.N. voted for the Partition of Israel on 11/29/1947. 57 days later a Supermoon occurred on 1/25/1948 at 11:11 PM PST. The moon was 221,491 miles from Earth. Israel declared their independence 110 (2 x 55) days later on 5/14/1948.


The next time a full moon will come even closer to Earth is on 11/25/2034 when the moon will be 221,485 miles from Earth. From 1/25/1948 to 11/25/2034 will be 31,716 days, or 86 years and 304 days. 86 is the gematria for ‘God’ in Genesis 1:1. 31,716 equals: 36 x 881. The 36th triangle number is 666. 881 is the 153rd prime number when you include Unity.


When 6601 is the diameter of a circle in units/days then its circumference is 20,738 units/days. 6601 plus 20,738 equals: 27,339. 27,339 is the sum of all 929 Old Testament chapter numbers (24,978) plus the sum of all 260 New Testament chapter numbers (2361). The Supermoon on 1/25/1948 plus the circumference of 20,738 inclusive units/days was 11/3/2004. 11/3/2004 plus the diameter of 6601 units/days will be 11/30/2022 – the 66th day of 5783. There are 66 books in the Bible. 113 x Pi equals: 354.999969. This rounds off to 355. There are a maximum of 355 days in one Jewish year of 12 lunar cycles. This coming lunar eclipse on 11/8/2022 will be 303 steps of 113 inclusive days since the Vatican became a country on 2/11/1929.


The mean diameter of the Earth is approximately 7,917 miles. The closest distance from the Earth to the moon is approximately 28 times the Earth’s diameter. 28 is the seventh triangle number and the second perfect number. There are 28 Hebrew letters that make up the seven Hebrew words of Genesis 1:1. 40 is a number connected to a Biblical generation and also a period of testing. 7,917 plus 40 equals the 7957 verses in the New Testament.


The mean diameter of the moon is approximately 2,159 miles. 7,917 minus 2,159 equals: 5758. The Jewish year 5758 spanned the majority of the Gregorian year 1998. 1998 is the gematria of the first five words of Genesis 1:1. 1998 is also the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘JESUS CHRIST’ (855) + ‘Jesus Christ’ (1143). 7,917 minus 3 x 2,159 equals the 1440 minutes in a day. 11/8/2022 will be 1440 inclusive days since the 7.0 earthquake in Alaska on 11/30/2018. When 1440 is the diameter of a circle the area of a one-degree segment equals its circumference of 4524. I call this circle ‘The Circle of Time’. Each 90 degree arc of this circle equals 1131. Seven of these 90 degree arcs of 1131 equals the Earth’s mean diameter of 7,917 miles. 1131 is the 941st composite number. The average value of 1131 and 941 is 1036. 1036 is the sum of the ASCII codes for JFK’s middle name ‘Fitzgerald’. JFK had just completed 1036 days in office before his assassination on 11/22/1963. 941 is the 51st and last prime number within the ‘Prime Cube’. There are 51 occurrences of the word ‘moon’ in the King James Bible. The 26th and center occurrence of the word ‘moon’ is in Isaiah 13:10 “For the stars of heaven and the constellations there of shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine.” Isaiah 13:10 is the 17,917th verse in the Bible.


The first occurrence of the word ‘moon’ in the Bible is Genesis 37:9 “And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me.” There are 1092 verses before Genesis 37:9 and 25 verses after the last verse with the word ‘moon’ (Revelation 21:23). 1092 plus 25 equals 1117 which is the sum of the ASCII codes for JFK’s first and last names: ‘John’ (399) + ‘Kennedy’ (718). The sum of the ASCII codes for ‘MOON’ (313) plus ‘moon’ (441) is 754. 754 is the Hebrew gematria for ‘Yehoshua HaMeshiach’. The Greek gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’ (2368) divided by Pi rounds off to 754. When you assign the Hebrew/Greek gematria values to the English alphabet then the gematria of ‘FULL MOON RAPTURE’ is 1332 (2 x 666). 1332 is the gematria sum for five of the Breastpiece tribe names. 2368 is the gematria sum for the remaining seven tribe names. The next total lunar eclipse occurs on 11/8/2022 – ‘Election Day’ in the United States. The English gematria for ‘TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE’ is 1184. 2 x 1184 equals: 2368. In Simple English gematria ‘A’ = 1, ‘B’ = 2, ‘C’ = 3, etc. The Simple English gematria for ‘RAPTURE ON TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE’ is 331. 331 is the gematria of the last of the three tribe names on the Breastpiece which total 888: 162 + 395 + 331. The Simple English gematria for ‘TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE’ is 203. 203 is the gematria of the second word in the Bible (‘created’). The Simple English gematria of ‘FULL MOON RAPTURE ECLIPSE’ is 276 – the number saved in Paul’s shipwreck. The sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Full Blood Moon Eclipse’ is 2017. The 2017th composite number is 2368. The lowercase composite number gematria for ‘full blood moon eclipse’ is 1077. 1077 is the final Greek gematria for ‘CROSS’. From the Hindenburg disaster on 5/6/1937 to 11/8/2022 will be 29 steps of 1077 inclusive days. The lowercase composite number gematria for ‘full blood moon eclipse rapture’ equals the Greek gematria of ‘CHRIST’ (1480).


The Greek gematria of ‘JESUS’ (888) x 2 equals: 1776. The 1776th day around my ‘Circle of Jesus Christ’ was 8/25/2022. 8/25/2022 plus 74 days (1776 hours) will be 11/7/2022. The next total lunar eclipse will start at 10:02 PM in Honolulu Hawaii on 11/7/2022. The United States was born in 1776 and Hawaii is located in the seventh and most western time zone of the United States. There is a symmetrical pattern within the layout of the twelve tribe name gematrias on the Breastplate. The sum of every tribe name gematria with an odd numbered position value (1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11) is 1850. The sum of every tribe name gematria with an even numbered position value (2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12) is also 1850. I believe this symmetrical layout was placed there by the Lord as a pattern to follow. 11/7/2022 will be the 1850th day around my ‘Circle of Jesus Christ’. On 11/14/2016 the moon was 221,524 miles from the Earth that was the closest since the Supermoon on 1/25/1948. 726 is Strong’s Greek roster number for ‘harpazo’. 11/14/2016 plus 3 steps of 726 days will be 11/1/2022. 11/1/2022 to 11/7/2022 spans seven inclusive days. Again, currently there are seven time zones in use across the United States from Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) to Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time (HAST). See: for the listing.


On 8/21/2017 there was a total solar eclipse that crossed the U.S. from the northwest to the southeast. A second total solar eclipse across the U.S. will occur on 4/8/2024. It will begin in the southwest and exit the U.S. in the northeast which will complete a giant ‘X’ across the U.S. 4/8/2024 is the 2368th and final date around the circumference of my ‘Circle of Jesus Christ’. From 11/7/2022 to this second total solar eclipse on 4/8/2024 will be 518 days. 518 equals: 2 x 259. 259 is the gematria of the first tribe name on the Breastpiece (Reuben). 4 x 259 equals the 1036 days served by the fourth assassinated President (JFK). 1036 is the sum of the ASCII codes for JFK’s middle name (‘Fitzgerald’). 1036 is also the sum of the gematrias for the second and fifth tribe names on the Breastpiece: Simeon (466) + Naphtali (570).


The three digits in the date string for November 7th (11/7) form the number string ‘117’. 2 x 117 equals: 234 – the number given to Vincent Tan by the Angel.


Link to 11/8/2022 Blood Moon eclipse rapture: (you may nee to select ‘BROWSE YOUTUBE’)


The next full moon after 11/8/2022 occurs on 12/7/2022 – the 81st anniversary of the attacks on Pearl Harbor. 81 equals: 9 x 9. 99 is the gematria of ‘AMEN’ – the last word in the Bible.


The most recent full Supermoon occurred on 8/12/2022. The next one will be on 7/3/2023. 107 is the rapture number. 8/12/2022 plus 107 days will be 11/27/2022. 11/27 will be the 331st day of 2022. Again, 331 is the gematria of the last of the three tribe names on the Breastpiece which total 888: 162 + 395 + 331. 11/8/2022 will be 61 steps of 107 inclusive days since the 9.2 earthquake and tsunami that occurred in Indonesia on 12/26/2004.

The following is taken from:

Both professional astronomers and lay people are often unaware that the apogee/perigee cycle causes lunar apogees and perigees to align on the same, or nearly the same, calendar dates every four years. That’s because 53 returns to perigee (or apogee) are nearly commensurate with four calendar years.

The mean length of the anomalistic month (perigee to perigee, or apogee to apogee) is 27.55455 days, whereas the average Gregorian year equals 365.2425 days. Hence:

27.55455 x 53 = 1460.3912 days

365.2425 x 4 = 1460.97 days

The 1461 days in four Gregorian years (one Presidential term) is also the sum of the three prime numbers that make up the horizontal bar of my ‘Prime Cross’: 113 + 467 + 881 = 1461. The four points of this ‘Prime Cross’ total 1948: 113 + 431 + 523 + 881.


I will be watching ‘Election Day’.

11-7-2022 and Circles of Christ and Jesus Christ.jpg