Ray (31 Oct 2021)
"1260 days ministry of two witnesses. Part 1"

John and Doves,

Before I begin, let's repeat how I got my 2300 days begin on Hanukkah Kislev 24 / Dec 18 2022. I got it from 1290 days. 1290 days begins on Rosh Hashana Sept 23 2025, and ends on April 5 Nisan 20 2029. On April 5 2029, AC shall be thrown into the lake of fire, temple shall be cleansed, and Holy is restored. April 5 2029 is also the end of 2300 days, because angel Gabriel told Daniel that at the end of 2300 days, the temple shall be cleansed. Temple can only be cleansed after AC is thrown into the lake of fire so that he cannot defile the temple any longer. Subtract 2300 days from April 5 2029, we come to Hanukkah Kislev 24 Dec 18 2022 as the beginning of 2300 days. On Hanukkah 2022, the Jews shall reinstitute and restore the evening and morning sacrifice, in order to honor God after they witness the battle of Gog/Magog.

From my previous post, I have linked Hanukkah 2022 to Haggai 2:20 when God says He shall overthrow kingdoms and those who ride in chariots. I would like to make a slight correction. I believe confirmation of covenant shall also be held on Hanukkah 2022. This is the covenant with death we find in Isaiah 28. God abhors this covenant Israel makes with nations and AC, because Israel trust more on the nations than trusting in God. This is why God picks Kislev 24 to deliver His message and warning to nations to Haggai. 

I also want to touch on the date the two witnesses arriving. From my recent posts, I have two witnesses killed on Tabernacle Sept 25 2026. 3.5 days later, in the morning of Tishri 18 , they come back alive and ascend to heaven. Tabernacle Sept 25 2026 is the last day of their 1260 days ministry. Subtract 1260 days from Sept 25 2026, we come to April 14 Nisan 23 2023 as the day they begin their ministry. Passover week  in 2023 begins on April 6 Nisan 15, and ends on April 13 Nisan 22. No work is allowed during this week. Immediate after the Passover week is over, God sends the two witnesses to Jerusalem on Nisan 23 April 14. From Revelation 11:1-3, we find out what happens on Nisan 23 April 14 in 2023.

Revelation 11:1 And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. 2 But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months. 3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.

"And there was a reel like unto a rod,"  ,  " Rise, and measure the temple of God", 

This represents the construction of the temple has just begun. 

"And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth."

Seeing the construction of the temple has just begun, God sends the two witnesses to Jerusalem, and preach for 1260 days.

Verse 1 and 3 is linear, while verse 2 is not. Verse 2  is inserted to foretell the tragedy of this temple. The temple and the city shall be trodden down by gentiles for 42 months, after the temple is complete. We shouldn't be confused the 1260 days of two witnesses with the 42 months. They are separate and different from each other. 

On April 14 Nisan 23 2023,  right after the Passover week is over, foundation is laid for the construction of third temple to begin. Many dignitaries, leaders of nations, including the Pope/AC shall be invited to Jerusalem, to witness the foundation of third temple being laid, and the construction of third temple is about to begin. On the same day, God shall send the two witnesses to Jerusalem, to foretell the tragic fate of this temple, and give warning to the Jews not to trust the nations, but rather, they should trust God and His Son Jesus. April 14 Nisan 23 2023 is the beginning of two witnesses ministry. CNN, MSNBC, BBC, all the world media shall report this event through their stations in Jerusalem, by satellite TV, and broadcast back to their countries..

A note here. Immediate after the spring rapture in 2022, Gog the leader of Russia, together with Iran and Turkey shall launch an invasion against Israel. This battle of Gog/Magog breaks out in the summer of 2022. Because God intervenes, this battle shall be short and decisive. By Sept/Oct, this battle is over. God has mentioned a specific 7 months in Ezekiel 39 to bury the dead and cleanse the land. This 7 months is Oct, Nov, Dec 2022, January, Feb, March and April 2023. By April 2023, the land is cleansed, and makes ready for the construction of third temple to begin.

Concerning the 390 days siege against Jerusalem prophesied by Ezekiel in Ezekiel 4, since I have the two witnesses killed on Tabernacle Sept 25 2026, and because their death should wrap up the 390 days siege against Jerusalem, subtract 390 days from Sept 25 2026, we come to August 31 2025 as the beginning of these 390 days siege. 

August 31 is Elul 7 in Jewish calendar. I believe on Elul 5, the third temple is complete. There is a gathering of world religious leaders including the Pope/AC in Jerusalem, in the outer court of the temple, for a world faith ceremony. AC is assassinated on Elul 5 by a Jew.  He suffers from this fatal wound. This angers the western nations which support the Pope, and they send in armies encompass Jerusalem right away. Elul 7 2025 is the beginning of 390 days siege against Jerusalem. 

On Rosh Hashana 2025, the Pope/AC recovers from his fatal wound, walks into the temple, and declares that he is God. Rosh Hashana is the beginning of 1290 days abomination of this Pope. From Hosea 5:7, a month shall devour the portion of Israel. Tishri 2025 is the month in Hosea 5:7. Many Jews shall be killed, and dead bodies are everywhere in the temple.

During these 390 days siege against Jerusalem, the two witnesses shall stay inside the city. If people want to harm them, fire shall come out from their mouth , and devour these people. On Tabernacle 2026, when they finish their testimony, the beast who is Abaddon ascends out of the abyss, and kills the two witnesses. The wall of Jerusalem is also breached on Tabernacle 2026. This wraps up the 390 days siege against Jerusalem. Many shall be massacred in the city.

Concerning how tragic it is during these 390 days siege against Jerusalem, we have Ezekiel 5 to tell us.

Ezekiel 5:1 And thou, son of man, take thee a sharp knife, take thee a barber's rasor, and cause it to pass upon thine head and upon thy beard: then take thee balances to weigh, and divide the hair. 2 Thou shalt burn with fire a third part in the midst of the city, when the days of the siege are fulfilled: and thou shalt take a third part, and smite about it with a knife: and a third part thou shalt scatter in the wind; and I will draw out a sword after them. 3 Thou shalt also take thereof a few in number, and bind them in thy skirts. 4 Then take of them again, and cast them into the midst of the fire, and burn them in the fire; for thereof shall a fire come forth into all the house of Israel.

Before we build a house, we need to measure the length, the width, and the height of the house first. A builder or an architect will do this first, drafting a floorplan for a house and a building. This is exactly what it means when John is given a reel like a rod, and was told to measure the temple in Revelation 11:1. The temple shall be built once the floorplan and the measurement is finished. This is why I believe God shall send the two witnesses to Jerusalem when the foundation of the temple is laid, when the temple is about to be built, when the measurement of the temple is complete.

A note here. Some people believe the 1260 days ministry of the two witnesses represents the first half of tribulation, while some think it is the second half. They both are wrong. The 1260 days overlaps the first and second half of tribulation. It is because their ministry begins at the same time the foundation of  the temple is laid.
