Pineman (31 Oct 2021)
"Does Daniel's 70th Week Start This Year or Next Year?"

Dear John & Fellow Watchers,

According to Mark Biltz we are now in year 7 of a Shmita Cycle. Next September will start a new cycle which Biltz postulates will be "Daniel's 70th Week".

If this be true then the Biblical numbers (2550, 1260, 1290, 1335, 2300) should support it and they do. Rosh Hashanah (September 26 & 27, 2022) plus 2550 (1290 + 1260) days = Yom Kippur (9/19/29). Even the 3 1/2 days after the 2 Witnesses are martyred fit neatly into the end times pattern. 

It seems that the 2 Witnesses don't start preaching till after the dynamics of Tishri (30 days) play out. So it appears that they start their ministry on Cheshvan 1 (October 26, 2022). 1260 days later they are martyred on Pesach 7, (April 8, 2026). 3 1/2 days after that they are resurrected & raptured. That day (April 11, 2026) is the Sabbath called Shmini where the readings are Samuel 6:1-7:17 & Lev. 9:1-11:47. Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihua offered unauthorized fire and were struck down by the Lord. But on this day the Lord accepts His 2 servants into heaven.

Shavuot plays a prominent role: 1335 days into the "Week" are Shavuot 1 & 2 - May 22 & 23 , 2026. And 2300 days from Shavuot May 26, 2023 (Dedication of the Temple?) is Rosh Hashanah 1 & 2 September 10 & 11, 2029.

One last item of interest is the calendar used in these calculations ( ). It ends in 2029!  -  Maybe just a coincidence? 

Your Fellow Watcher,