Daniel (31 Oct 2021)
"Re: Garry B (24. Oct 2021) "If You have been misled to believe a fable"
(timing of the Gog and Magog war before the rapture ???)

Re: Garry B (24. Oct 2021) "If You have been misled to believe a fable"
(timing of the Gog and Magog war before the rapture ???)
Dear brother Garry + brethren of Five Doves
This is brother Daniel from Switzerland. My mother tongue is Swiss German
dialect but my English is quite ok and I hope You will understand very well 
the following letter to Five Doves:
Brother Garry, You wrote on oct 24 that the Gog and Magog war takes place 
before the rapture (text in Your letter "if You have been misled to believe a
fable" and at the end of Your letter  "...it's a fable to believe that the rapture/
resurrection is imminent. The Ezekiel 38 Gog-Magog war with Israel must
happen before the resurrection/rapture").
I think this is a wrong doctrine and a dangerous "sleeping pill" and not to
wait any longer for the Lord's return and the truth can easily be shown:
1.  If the Gog and Magog must happen first = then just let us forget now
     completely about the rapture and do not wait any longer for the
     rapture but only wait for the Gog and Magog war first. And as soon as
     the Gog and Magog war happens only then start to wake up and start
     to expect the rapture - only then and not already today expect the
2.  We will meet our Lord and Saviour and enter into Heaven and into the
     eternal life either a) with our physical death or b) with the rapture.
     Nobody knows ahead the exact date of his own death. And therefore it
     is logical not to know the exact date of the rapture too. But You know
     the date of the rapture = not now but after the Gog and Magog war.
     Of course You do not know the exact date of the rapture as You or I
     do not know the exact date of our own physical death.
     But the Lord - and only Him alone - very well knows a) the exact time of
     our physical death and b) the exact time of the rapture.
3.  After the rapture America will be a weak nation and not being able any 
     longer to support Israel in a military conflict of the Gog and Magog war.
     But if things just go on as usual and actually no rapture (Your doctrine !)
     but first to happen the Gog and Magog war = then we could expect a
     strong America before the rapture and its military help for Israel in the
     Gog and Magog war. 
And  a lot  more  to say about this and your doctrine ("the Ezekiel 38 Gog-
Magog war with Israel must happen before the resurrection/rapture") dear
brother is not true and is a dangerous "sleeping pill" not to wait any longer
for the imminent rapture but actually only to wait for the Gog and Magog
Best regards from Switzerland   Brother  Daniel