Tony Ellsworth (25 Oct 2020)
"Answer to question on asteroid Osiris Rex"


The name of the study on the asteroid is Osiris Rex. Ever wonder how a Christian country always is naming things after Egyptian and Greek/Roman gods. Hmm. Anyway, Osiris is Egyptian god of the Underworld & dead. Rex means king. So, this is satanic. The asteroid they are calling Bennu. Bennu is an ancient Egyptian deity linked with creation and rebirth. A type of Phoenix. It flew by earth on September 22, 2017 which was feast of trumpets. The mission purpose is to learn about formation of the solar system. I highly suspect an ‘anti-god’ science finding to come out of this. It is by the election. Halloween is blue moon, election is Noah day and this. I’d say high watch alert for what may happen.

Also, return is September 24, 2023 on or about Yom Kippur.