Luis Vega (4 Oct 2020)



The Masquerade

by Luis Vega


Just put on your
and quit complaining
it is really not that hard 

Just put on your  

and quit complaining
it is really not that hard 


The virus is real but bio-engineered and being used to accomplish the great Luciferian 'RESET'. Untrue numbers of People dying from virus alone.

So, this is proof that there is an agenda, a scheme that is fooling the entire world and the bought-out Politicians and Scientists that should be about seeking and discovering ‘Truth’ are complicit in this Luciferian plan that is designed to enslave us. As of September 2020, the CDC corrected its stats and backed-out the numbers reported of COVID deaths. It has not been the reported 180,000 + died in the USA but 10,000.

And that 90% of those dying with COVID had pre-existing complications. And a university study from Sweden and the CDC confirms that 90% of those infected with the virus will survive. The Nations should have done what Sweden did and allow a 'heard immunity' to take its course and protect its elderly or those with complications. In the USA, they keep pushing the lockdowns to they would merge it now with the normal Flu Season as no virus can last 7-8 months.

It is a full-on war against Humanity now, a total psyop. I do think the virus is real but a long line of CDC patented viruses unleased at us; it is biological warfare. Look at the numbers of dead, especially in the USA for a comparison from their own records/CDC. In a given year, nearly a million die of heart attacks, nearly half million die of cancers. Suicides are about 40,000 but this year alone has tripled and outpaced the supposed inflated numbers of COVID death? Why has not the world shut down for those categories if they want us ‘safe’?

From WorldoMeters website.
Number of deaths for leading causes of death:
-9,625,665 Communicable disease deaths this year
-362,376 Seasonal flu deaths this year
-5,636,018 Deaths of children under 5 this year
-31,553,163 Abortions this year
-229,182 Deaths of mothers during birth this year
-42,132,534 HIV/AIDS infected people
-1,246,473 Deaths caused by HIV/AIDS this year
-6,089,706 Deaths caused by cancer this year
-727,304 Deaths caused by malaria this year

-10,806,113,174 Cigarettes smoked today
-3,706,676 Deaths caused by smoking this year
-1,854,507 Deaths caused by alcohol this year
-795,123 Suicides this year

From CDC website
Number of deaths for leading causes of death:

647,457 Heart disease
599,108 Cancer

169,936 Accidents (unintentional injuries)
160,201 Chronic lower respiratory diseases
146,383 Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases)
121,404 Alzheimer’s disease
83,564 Diabetes
55,672 Influenza and Pneumonia `
50,633 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis
47,173 Intentional self-harm (suicide) 


Main Sources

Must see website of hundreds of Medical Doctors protesting the fake ‘pandemic’.


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