Lewis Brackett (18 Oct 2020)
"Matthew Mark Luke John are old testament books not to the Church"

Doctrine is found from Acts to Philemon...The 4 gospels were written to the old testament Jew offering the kingdom right then if they would accept Jesus... He knew, being God, that they would kill him as prophecied in daniel Isaiah 53, many other places... Matthew 24 deals with the Jews during the 7 year tribulation period, God telling them that noone knows the day of his second coming...John in Revelation says the 7 year tribulation period would be shortened otherwise no one would survive...
Likewise Hebrews is written to the 1st century Jew, not to the gentile church!!!
So the doctrine in Hebrews, James is for the Hebrews, and greatly confuses those trying to apply it to Church doctrine!!!
A study of systematic theology reveals this...

All that said, there is much wonderful for us in these Jewush books...Just not doctrine!!!
That pesky bit in Matthew 24 about "one taken one left" is at the end of the tribulation period... likely either the righteous being preserved like Noah from Gods final vial judgments, OR removing the evil ones so that only the righteous enter the Kingdom...
Either way, There is a pre trib rapture so that catching away has nothing to do with the Church
