Jerry Taylor (25 Oct 2020)
"Half Hour of Silence in Heaven"

When the Lamb opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.  Revelation 8:1 ESV

The above link contains the key to understanding when the Rapture occurs. If, as many believe, it occurs on October 31st/November 1st, what year?

Efrain Rodriguez from Puerto Rico saw an asteroid hit near the island in the early morning hours in his vision. If you look at my prior posts, last week, on Five Doves, you'll see I relate this to Halloween or the evening of October 31st, for a variety of reasons and revelation.

Mathematically, the Tribulation has to start by next March (2021) in order to fit in the 80 year "Generation" window spoken of by Jesus in Matthew. Therefore before the Tribulation you have the half hour of silence in heaven. How long is that period - I believe it is just about 4 months in length, and the article link above explains why. Let's subtract now 4 months from March, and where do you arrive?

November of 2020. Early November. Before the election. That's when the Rapture happens and it is this year. The asteroid impact is likely virtually simultaneous with the Rapture.

All of the pieces of this puzzle are together. 2020 is the year. It is likely martial law will be declared in America and a variety of countries affected by the impact. The elections will likely be put on hold. The current President will stay in office.  Keep looking up!