James Brownlow (25 Oct 2020)
"(II) Noah's Timeline and Our Departure Date"

Noah's Timeline points to January 23, 2021

As it was in the "days" of Noah so shall also the coming of the Son of
man be. Mt 24:37. Count.... Noah's "days".

"And the rain was upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights" Gen 7:12. Now
notice, the Lord could have said "40 days and nights it rained" but
instead He duplicates and repeats the number "40". "Forty" days and
"forty" nights. That divides the "day" into two parts , 12 hours day,
12 hours night. So "12" is sort of hidden and implied. I will come
back to this "12" in another post. But 40 is twice.

Normally, repeating things in scripture means it is going to happen
again, a prophecy, but in this case the Lord specifically says He will
not destroy the earth again by rain and flood. Gen 9:11. So
,therefore, the implication is that the repeated, doubled "40" is
itself prophetic and this seems to be verified by the Messiah's
reference to Noah's "days".

Counting from the United States election date of Nov. 4, 2020, add 40
days which takes us to  Dec 14, 2020. This date is both midweek
Hanukkah and the exact  midpoint of the two "Great American eclipses".
Those eclipses were 8-21-2017 and one coming in  4-8-2024. Also, there
is a total solar eclipse that day, Dec 14, 2020. So, 40 days from the
election, midweek Hanukkah, midpoint of two major eclipses  and a
Total Solar Eclipse, all on Dec 14th.

Now add another 40 days to Dec. 14, 2020 and we arrive at January 23,
2021. So if the number "40" is prophetic as taken from Noah's timeline
, then here we have two "40's", just like Noah........ But there is