Fay (25 Oct 2020)
"Nothing but the Truth"


In the link is the full interview with Aaron Russo. I watched this years ago. Being rather naïve and still wanting to trust that our governments were intrinsically made up of good people - I found this YT clip difficult to fully believe. I thought that, perhaps, Aaron Russo was exaggerating.

We have all come a long way since. The truth that 9/11 was a cruel hoax is now virtually common knowledge amongst Christians. We can also see prophecy coming true before our eyes. Taking all these things into account - we would be remaining in deliberate ignorance to continue to believe in our powerful politicians. It's all a scam.

I understand that there are many who want to believe that Pres Trump is the saviour of America. That he will "drain the swamp". All you need to do is think of the utter blasphemy of the Abraham Accords to know which camp POTUS belongs to. The comical farce of the "illusion of choice" the American people think they have, can be seen by the Democratic offering in the person of Joe Biden. Pathetic. Even POTUS' seeming opposition to the Covid masks and lockdowns are all part of the illusion.

When viewing the clip below, it's important to remember that Aaron Russo is a Jewish man himself. The ordinary Jewish people of Israel are also being played. This is not an exclusively Jewish takeover of the world as the rabid anti-Semites would have you believe. Many people of many nationalities are involved in this terrible fraud.
