Fay (25 Oct 2020)
"Remarkable Information"


I am sure you may have seen the YT clip of the famous interview with Aaron Russo where he recounts a discussion held between Nicholas Rockefeller and himself - eleven months before the attacks of 9/11. Rockefeller told Russo that "an event" was going to occur - and through this "event" the USA would invade Afghanistan and build a pipeline to bring oil from the Caspian Sea. Of course, "the event" was 9/11 itself. I have linked the Wikipedia article for you. A lot more was said and is contained in the Wikipedia article.


Now, take a look at a map showing the Caspian Sea and the countries surrounding it. Link below. The war between Azerbaijan and Armenia will suddenly make perfect sense to you.


The Russians are supposedly allied with Armenia. Weirdly - Iran has also come out in support of Armenia. Looking at the map - it is starting to make sense. Turkey is pushing this war with all it's might - making sure that the ceasefire agreements are broken, almost immediately after they have been made. This is a massive power play between major powers for control of Caspian Sea. Using the countries of Azerbaijan and Armenia as proxies. The Eastern Mediterranean debacle is all about the oil and gas too. The common denominator is Turkey.

I am attaching a very important link I found on the Rapture Ready website because the information contained in it is interwoven with everything else that is going on. A great deception is being played out. Please take the time to read and absorb the information in the 3 links I have provided. It becomes horrifyingly clear just who is using Turkey as it's proxy to take control of the Middle East.

We are all being played. This is an attack on humanity and people aren't waking up fast enough. Rothschilds, Rockefellers etc. These very wealthy individuals have always had control of the governments in the western world. This is no longer on the fringes of the conspiracy theory realm. It is FACT!
