Fay (25 Oct 2020)
"A Continuation"


From my previous post re the transgender rubbish. Dearest Doves - we all have to forget about our political alliances and other things that divide us as God's children. Scripture has ALWAYS told us that Satan rules this world. Therefore - the powers that be are in power because they are playing Satan's game. Think about it. At what time in history has this world been at peace? All the political leaders are bloody rubbish. Full stop. All of them allow corruption and they promote war. Paying to keep the military industrial complex alive and well. Not one of them genuinely keep God's word. They clearly do not follow scripture. Think of the example of Israel. Israel is there to provide us all with an example of what Almighty God expects of us. We must NOT compromise. We must NOT advocate anything that messes with God's Holy Land. We must NOT advocate anyone or anything who does not abide by God's commandments.

This time spent in our mortal flesh is one gigantic test. We need to pass this test. It isn't difficult. People who are fixated on material stuff would find it difficult but God wants us - his Holy Spirit endowed people - to rise to new spiritual heights. We are not being tested for our faith, as such. Well...perhaps we are. Who knows? This Covid stuff is going to cause huge famine in the world. It's one way to sort the wheat from the chaff. I believe this incredibly important moment in time will test our endurance. Almighty God wants us to trust in Him and Him alone. He knows us - every hair on our heads. We need to trust in Him....completely.

We are nearly there, Doves.