Fay (25 Oct 2020)
"Deep Mourning"


Hi John and Doves,

I have been plunged into deep mourning this past week. Not on the personal level that Lady Warrior is suffering with her children - may Almighty God be with her. It is on a level that one loses all faith and trust in our leaders - our rulers. There has always been this little voice that says "At least our guy is a good guy". No longer do I have that trust.

Too many people have been killed in the name of war. Too many babies have been killed in the name of abortion. Too many children have been harmed by our tolerance of pornography. Our tolerance of war. Our tolerance of being enslaved. It's like being made a CEO of a large company and utterly failing at the task at hand. I feel deeply ashamed of the human race. Of myself. We have been like babes in the woods. Putting our trust and faith in mere humans. Our Bible specifically tells us not to do this. Our Bible tells us that our rulers and authorities are going to mislead us. Did we listen?

Our faith and trust simply HAS to be in Almighty God and His word. No-one else is going to save this world but Jesus.

Something I have been contemplating hard.... and it has given me huge pause for thought. The Jewish people were given specific physical rules to follow. "Honour the Sabbath and keep it Holy", is huge. "Love your God with all your might and all your soul", is the biggest. We Christians were given the simple task of WATCHING. To be saved - all we were required to do is confess with our mouths and believe with our hearts that Jesus is LORD to the glory of God the Father. So simple. And I know that this is totally sufficient for salvation. Because once one has received the Holy Spirit - our behaviour changes. We desire to please Jesus. If we are truly saved and have the Holy Spirit residing in us - we don't deliberately behave like morons. If we do - then this is the unforgivable sin against the Holy Spirit. With the Holy Spirit, the veil has been lifted from our eyes and we KNOW right from wrong. To deliberately do evil whilst having the Holy Spirit embedded.....is crazy behaviour.

Yet, even with the knowledge of the Holy Spirit - we believers have still not recognised the full extent of evil in our world. It is all around us. Our one task of WATCHING seems to have also been contaminated by our own interests. I want and desire the Britain of yesteryear. I mourn it's passing. My American Christian peers want and desire the America of yesteryear. You guys are in deep mourning too. The majority fail to recognise that we are tasked with watching ISRAEL. Sure - our countries count. But Israel belongs to God. Jerusalem is HIS city. He has put His Name on it. The world is specifically instructed NOT TO MESS WITH ISRAEL. All the current turmoil will result in every nation turning on Israel. The end game (as our Bible tells us) is a battle for Jerusalem.

Our rose coloured memories of the past are not coming back. And as much as we mourn our perception of the past - it was not the reality we believe it to be. Whilst we felt comfortable - the majority of the world suffered.

I have finally matured as a Christian. I am no longer a naïve babe in the woods. I FULLY believe what the Bible is telling us because I can see it happening before our very eyes. I can look evil in the eye and name it. Once we fully recognise our enemies, we can utilise our weapons. Our armour that our Father God has gifted us. We can use that armour and knowledge in our prayers. This is the turning point that Almighty God has been waiting for. He doesn't need naïve babies in His army. Almighty God needs people who trust and FULLY believe in His Word. Even if we feel a little frightened - we are to trust and believe in Him and Him alone. These are the soldiers God needs.

Maranatha, LORD Jesus.