Fay (25 Oct 2020)
"We Must Never Forget the Main Objective"


The main objective of Almighty God is to force the nation of Israel to repent. If Israel repents - the world will know peace. Period. THIS is the bottom line.

If we remember this.... that it is ALL about Israel, then we can start to get a handle on what is actually going on. We can forget our political affiliations and simply focus on how stuff affects Israel. This is NOT about the UK or USA. The European Union or Australia. Or Kathmandu, for that matter. If we keep our focus on Israel - we can clearly see the satanic machinations. The end result is getting humans to worship satan. And the deal is that satan has to do it from Almighty God's very own city. Jerusalem.

Once we establish this Bible truth within our souls - we can forget about being confused. If a political entity is overtly threatening Israel - it's easy to perceive. If a political entity is getting the Israeli politicians to compromise Jerusalem (USA / UAE / Bahrain / Sudan) then we should recognise the evil behind it.

None of this is about Capitalism v Communism or any such mundanity. It is ALWAYS about Jerusalem. We are told to WATCH. Once Israel is invaded - Ezekiel 38, it appears that there is a period of time (3.5 years or thereabouts) where the rest of the world (or what's left of it) is given a chance to read their Bibles and make their choices.

Prior to this - it is always, always about Israel. Jerusalem.