Fay (25 Oct 2020)
"Impending War. Note the Countries."


As the news unfolds, we are able to see - vividly - the countries who will be involved in the future end time invasion of Israel.

This news clip from TV7 is important. Greece has sent out warships to protect islands in the Eastern Med - against Turkey. Libya, Sudan, Egypt, Iraq, also feature in this important news update. And, of course - Pompeo and Angela Merkell. Please note all the Mid East countries being spoken of - PLUS Sudan. These nations are all prophesied as invading armies in Ezekiel 38.

It certainly appears that each and everyone of Israel's enemies are currently being empowered. All in the name of "peace". We must not be deceived. All these machinations are directly off Satan's play-list.

The clip is only 12 minutes long.
