Fay (25 Oct 2020)
"Is your Country up for Sale?"


This short video clip has cemented my belief that the world's political elite treat our world like their own private companies. The information in the clip is solid fact. Not a whiff of any conspiracy theory. Did you know that Alaska was sold by Russia to the USA for $7.2 million ? This is just one of facts told in this clip. Some of the sales and purchases will leave your jaw hanging in disbelief. The video clip is only 7 minutes long.

Imagine being a resident in your birthplace and then being informed that your country had been sold to another?

We must NOT be fooled by the political dramas that are constantly played out in front of our naïve eyes. As Ephesians 6:12 tells us - our struggle is not against flesh and blood (each other) but against the rulers... against the authorities ...against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

