Fay (18 Oct 2020)
"Clutching at Straws? Look at the Numbers!"


I know this is a stretch, Doves....but look at the numbers! I am making a loud shout-out to our numbers guys....our very own John Tng, Bob Ware, Clay Cantrell and Phil. I am no numbers person and I remain in awe of your gift... but check out these very simple numbers.

The very rare blue moon of 31st March, 2018 (Passover) to 31st October, 2020 (Halloween) is 31 months !! Check out how the number "31" figures. Unmistakeable !The amount of days between both rare blue moons is 945 - which is the Hebrew Gematria of the month of Bul (Cheshvan). Please see my other post on this.

Cheshvan 13 is the date of October 31st, 2020. The number 13 is 31 ...except backwards. Strongs number 31 (Hebrew) is "MY Father is Majesty". In the Greek, it represents "A message". The Strongs number of 13 (Hebrew) represents "Destruction" and the Greek gematria represents a Christian prophet.

Jaw on floor !