Fay (18 Oct 2020)
"The People of the Ruler who will Come"


These are the people who are ruled by Satan. Daniel 9:26. We all know that the throne of Satan is in Pergamos, Turkey. That is his main base. A replica was set up in East Berlin and is still there to this day. Satan put his stamp there - claiming that land as his. The evidence lies in the atrocities of the Nazi's against the Jewish people. But, Satan's main throne remains in Pergamos - as evidenced by the rise of Turkey's ambition for a revived Ottoman Empire. Erdogan has openly voiced his desire to claim Jerusalem for Islam.

Satan put his stamp on other major cities too. Very recently. The Arch of Palmyra was/is known as a Triumphal Arch. A replica of this bizarre little piece of ruin was displayed in major cities. In 2016, it was displayed in Trafalgar Square, London, for 3 days. It was displayed in New York, Florence, Geneva, Washington DC and Dubai. It's final resting place is back in Syria. Please see the link below. Why would the powers that be go to SO much trouble to have this ancient ruin displayed in major cities? Accompanied by extensive media hoopla? A very obvious sign that Satan has triumphed over these cities? I can think of no other logical reason.


Which brings me to the next thing that makes one go....hmmmm?!? In this next link is a short YT clip about how Russia is sending military equipment to Armenia.....via Iran. Are you aware that Iran is siding with Armenia and is against Turkey? Then there's the fact that Russia is able to use Iran for this !! This is where we can see the sides forming. The mist of confusion is clearing. Russia and Iran are clearly chummy. The USA is is NOT allied with Russia or Iran, but is voicing it's disapproval of the actions of Azerbaijan. So - what is really going on over there? Beside Azerbaijan - just who is Turkey allied with?

Turkey is bumping heads with the EU re the Eastern Mediterranean - Greece and France in particular. Turkey is infuriating it's neighbours in the ME with it's interference in Syria. Turkey is causing untold chaos in Libya. Turkey has chosen to turn against many Arab states by throwing insults at them regarding the Abraham Accords. Calling them traitors etc. Turkey has openly and vociferously sided with the Palestinians and declared it's intention of "liberating Jerusalem". Claiming that Jerusalem belongs to them (Turkey).

Somebody is playing a double game here. That powerful somebody is being guided by Satan. There is no way Turkey would have this much confidence, all by itself. The chess board is set. One thing that is absolutely obvious is that Turkey is the prime antagonist in this end time drama.


In the meantime - we are all kept distracted by Covid-19, contrived riots and dirty politics. The world economy imploding around our heads.

Come, LORD Jesus. Please.

Praying for the peace of Jerusalem.