Fay (18 Oct 2020)
"The Scorpion and Cheshvan. Fascinating"


The article in the link is fascinating. When you get to the part where the scorpion is associated with the Messiah, it gets even more riveting. The whole article is worth close attention. It describes (albeit inadvertently) the situation existing in the world today. For the majority, the word "apathy" rings a bell. The church of Laodicea? Oy Vey - the plot doth thicken. In all my years as a watchman, I have never been so riveted by a month or time as I have by this one. Maybe I'm desperate? Maybe I'm clinging to straws? I don't believe so. This research has led me into deeper study - resulting in profound revelations. Even if the rapture doesn't happen this year - I will always watch the month of Cheshvan for our blessed hope to happen. No other month comes close. All the Jewish feasts and holidays are JEWISH. Not Gentile.

Even the Easter period (Passover and First fruits etc) ALL involve the Jewish people. They all took place in Israel. THE only world-wide event (therefore inclusive of ALL people) was the flood of Noah. And this happened in the month of Cheshvan.

Couple this with the blue moon of October 31st (Cheshvan 13) where this is the first blue moon, in 76 years (1944) to occur across ALL the time zones..............! How special and unique is this? The entire world - experiencing the full blue moon TOGETHER. The fact that this is also the date of Halloween is also pretty weird. 1944 was one year before WW2 ended.

In 2018, a very rare blue moon rose on March 31st. This was the first day of Passover that year. Please see the 2nd link. The details in the 2nd link emphasise the connection to the blue moon on October 31st, 2020. You really, really have to read it to grasp the connection. The article states that the next blue moon of this significance occurs on October 31st, 2020 !! So - we have established the connection between the rare blood moon of 2018 to the rare blue moon of 2020. On October 31st, 2020 - it will be 945 days from March 31st, 2018. In the 3rd link, you will see that Strong's Hebrew gematria of the number 945 represents the word Bul or Bool. Which is the 8th month on the Hebrew calendar...which is Cheshvan !!!! WOWZA ! You cannot make this stuff up. Almighty God was pointing us to the month of Cheshvan 2020...all the way back in 2018.

Buckle up, Doves. Brace yourselves. Our LORD Jesus is coming soon.


